My daughters Golden retriever pup has been diagnosed with OCD in both rear legs. She has had multiple xrays and CT scans in the process, trying to diagnose and is now going to be operated on to fix it. She's 10 months old but has been sore for the last 4 months. As there is a genetic component to the disease, although the breeder claims to have never had a pup with this, is it unreasonable to ask for part or full compensation? The breeder also admitted that the pups were bottle fed early on, though I don't know if this makes a difference. She would never give up her dog as she is so attached to her, being now 10 months old, but I don't know whether to approach the breeder or not. She lives in a small country town and has to travel 2 hours for a decent vet and is so stressed over it all. I thought buying from a breeder eliminates these problems.