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  1. We've got a white gsd puppy from a breeder when he is 12weeks, he is playful funny and everything is awsome until we noticed there is a little limp on his foot (5.5months), it is actually an elbow problem but as he is a german shepherd, the vet x-rayed his hips and turns out he has a "light hip dysplasia" on his left leg. And guess what, our insurance is still in the cooldown period. The problem to me is we dont know (or think) our dog will have HD when we insure him and we wouldn't even check his hips if he doesn't have an elbow injury cause the hips are working all fine. But now the vet record is there, if he does need a hip surgery for example after 3years old, will the insurance company insure his surgery or reject it beacuse he got a record at 5 months? Lots of thanks to any ideas!
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