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  1. I have used Nexgard spectra for my current dog- Northern Rivers as we are in tick country up here. We see tick paralysis all year round here,more this winter then summer as it happens(less people using preventatives in winter!) I work in a vets the only medications I trust to work are the nexgard's and Bravecto. Advantix is an option but washes off to easily here by the coast and needs to be applied every 2 weeks so I dont find it very practical, Also cannot be used on the dog if you have cats as its very toxic to them. I've heard of tick paralysis in dogs wearing all the tick collar brands including seresto. I've also seen 19 live ticks pulled off a dog, with active tick paralysis and who had been tick bathed the day before so not a believer in the tick baths anymore. Horrible creatures ticks! I use Seresto collar off label for my cat,check her daily and am considering trying bravecto(still off label in australia) if she has issues.... but its got a much higher report of issues in cats versus dogs so holding out for now.
  2. Personally I wouldn't consider it the breeders fault in any way that you were unlucky enough to have a puppy go down with a mast cell tumour to be honest. Its incredibly unusual one to hear of in a very young animal and isn't something that could have been tested for prior to sale as you've said yourself the lump appeared after you bought her. Mast cell tumours are a type of cancer can appear out of the blue with no warning. That is however incredibly unlucky and devastating to hear about in such a young animal. Was the diagnosis double confirmed by a pathologist?...its very very rare to see these cancers in the very young pups. Or is she an older puppy? Sorry to hear about your pup though..must be heartbreaking to deal with.
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