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Everything posted by MrsR17

  1. Hi All Last week I received a letter in my mailbox advising that my dog was howling for two days in a row (only) from 5:30am to 8am and that if I didn't do something about it, that I would be reported to the local council. I have a 7 year old huntaway x name Mack who is amazing, who I've never had a problem with before (nor been told howls during the day either) that I am trying to the best for and so I've started walking him at 5:15am for 20 minutes every morning to get any energy out before I head to work at 6:30am. As we head into the colder months it is darker later in the mornings and my concern is that we are trying to do a quick lap of block in darkness and it can be a little bit creepy! Is there any tips or tricks that anyone can share about walking in the dark, anything they carry incase they come across loose dogs etc or know of any early morning dog walking groups that we can meet and do a lap together before work to stay safe in Brisbane North? Thanks in advance ...... (please be kind...first post ever)
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