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Everything posted by Kirra_Bomber_Zeus

  1. Yep, they can. I used to put some kraft cheese in the very top of my dogs over all the other food - then pop it in the microwave for a few seconds until it melted. Obviously I then had to wait for it to cool they loved it though Jen
  2. Yep, it was a black kong. The King Kong - the ones that say they are used for training police and millitary dogs Jen
  3. My Staffy ripped her Kong apart to get the stuffing out when she was 3 months old Honestly, I sent the pieces back to the manufacturer so they could have a laugh - they actually sent me a new one! Jen
  4. ooh that sounds good poodlemania Must buy new kongs. My Staffy totally chewed hers to pieces when she was 3 months old (Yes, the KING kong - black one made for large dogs ) and since then I have bought a couple of fake ones that look the same (not quite as tough though). My dogs will not have a bar of them ;) Honestly, how stuck up can you get? Ooohhh they arent the REAL kongs, we're not bothering with those! Jen
  5. I didnt know there wasnt any here. hmmmm I am looking for a doggy job / business to get me out of my yucky job now. Will give it some thought........ Jen
  6. Hi Hopenfox Before my dogs totally destroyed their kongs (have not got around to buying new ones yet) I used to stuff them with all sorts of things. Peanut Butter, cheese, bikkies, banana, pieces of apple, scrambled egg - anything! Check these out if you havent seen them already: http://www.takingthelead.co.uk/2/Health/kong_stuffing.htm Jen
  7. I give mine greens as well - but LOL at the look on their face There are some veggies they like and some that are just not on. I had some broccoli left over one night and decided to give it to them. The look on Bomber's face was priceless - and all night he was spitting out these little green balls everywhere! :D Jen
  8. Jordelette, Im so sorry for your loss It doesnt matter what species they are - it hurts just as much because they are your friend. I hope you have 16 years worth of happy memories to sort through once you are feeling a little better. Hugs to you. Jen
  9. ;) One of my dogs eats grass all the time, and the other doesnt The cat eats more grass than food I think :D Im not sure why they do or dont do it. It's funny, both of my dogs get exactly the same dinners so if it was a nutrition thing for them you would think they would both do it :D Although I must admit - maybe Bomber just doesnt eat grass when Im around Jen
  10. Newby0005 - I wouldnt vaccinate my kids either - sorry! (Not that I have any yet, but its a decision I have already made) I am one of the 'research into stuff before you do it not just become someone tells you to - especially when they have a financial interest in it' people. By this I mean the 'bonus' that doctors apparantly get at the end of the year for the amount of people they have vaccinated from the companies that make the vaccines. Way too much info about vaccines and Autism and ADD etc for me and way too much info about how many children still get illnesses they are vaccinated against (such as whooping cough). the reports that show that 'vaccines' that they say 'cured diseases' such as polio dont show the fact that these diseases had actually declined by 90% before the vaccines were introduced. Now in the USA the only people who get polio are the ones that get it from the vaccine. I am truly sorry if I offend here and I will stop rabbiting on now - I truly dont mean too upset anyone, and I dont mean to come across as saying other people should do what I do because I say so - I just feel very strongly about this sort of thing because I have researched into it and dont like what I have found. Jen
  11. SengeChow W Jean Dodds has lots of wonderful information on the harmful qualities of vaccines. I read alot of her stuff a couple of years ago when I first started my research. I have used homeopathic nosodes. I know they have not been 'scientifically proven' (not that this holds much sway with me anymore) but in all honesty, my vet couldnt guarantee to me that my dog was protected if it was immunised by them either. How can you prove a vaccine is working? Just because your dog doesnt get sick, doesnt mean the vaccine is working. My dogs have never had any of the diseases I am supposed to vaccinate for - yet they are not vaccinated either Jen
  12. Hi Devon Once you can find out a definate diagnosis from the vet you will probably be able to do a bit more research on natural alternatives. If it is arthritis he may also benefit from a magnetic and heated bed. I have got some good natural medications from www.wholisticanimal.com (Australian company in WA that you can order from over the net) so you could check them out as well if you like. I forgot to look which state you were in, but if you are in the Eastern States, was it a Paralysis Tick that bit him? If it was, the vet might want to check him again incase any poison may be left (Sorry, I dont know much about Paralysis Ticks - we dont have them in WA, only bush ticks which are not very harmless) Jen
  13. Yep, I have one major "Problem Child" and one who has eaten Mozzie coils, an entire terracotta pot, wood glue, snail pellets and more - with absolutely no problems. 1 'child' has been to the vet about 50 times in 2 years, the other about 3 times in 7 years Although the problems my 'problem child' has break my heart, I will honestly be forever grateful that I have her because without her I would still be feeding rubbish commercial food and pumping my dogs full of drugs and vaccines! (and wouldnt have learnt anywhere near as much about natural medicine for humans and our furry friends) :p Jen
  14. My thoughts exactly. I have been going to Vetwest in Canning Vale and even though they are a conventional vet I was straight up front with them and told them I raw feed, wont give my dogs any drugs unless it is absolutely necessary and will not be vaccinating my dogs again. Explained to her that one of my dogs had had an adverse reaction and now has a skin condition because of a damaged immune system. The vet was really great about it. They have even put a large note on the computer that comes up on the screen when they go into my dogs file that says "No medication or vaccinations to be given without the express permission of owner". there is also a lovely homeopathic vet called Clare Middle (I think someone mentioned her in a previous post - not sure) she is in Bibra Lake and is excellent for any long term or chronic problems. (She may be able to help with your dogs compromised immune system too) Jen
  15. Never to fussy when it comes to vets if you ask me :D Im just as fussy with my own doctor. hmmmm maybe this is why I can never find a doctor or vet I like though I live a couple of suburbs down from you White Shepherd Mom, in Thornlie. I have been going to Vetwest in Canning Vale and have been quite happy with them. They do not give me grief about raw feeding and not vaccinating like many other vets have. I have only been to Murdoch once (emergency section) and was not happy with them at all. But I understand their specialists are very good (am actually going to be taking my dog there for an allergy problem on recommendation shortly) Cant help you too much with the food aspect - you dont even want to know what I pay for my dogs food! (Lets just say the dog food bill is almost 1/2 of my shopping bill and they arent huge dogs). One of my dogs has an allergy problem and we are currently feeding them organic lamb and chicken only Hope you enjoy living in Perth! Jen
  16. Yes, I was going to comment on this as well. I am in Perth and there is no legal obligation for the vet to vaccinate at all. I think its more the case that the AVA (who are in deepr with the pharmacutical (sp?) companies who make the vaccines) frowns upon vets who tell people not to vaccinate (just the same as they have been doing with vets who suggest raw feeding). Luckily research is finally making it to the surface so these 'protocols' can be changed. SengeChow is right, most vaccines have a life of 7-10 years. This means your dog should only ever have to be vaccinated 1-2 times in their entire life. I cant understand how the vets can not see the commonsense in this. You can not become 'more immune' to something so there is no benefit in 'booster' shots! As many of you know by now I have done enough research on the subject to know I will never vaccinate again. I have seen way too many cases of vaccinosis (especially the cases that get passed off as something else by vets who dont want to report the adverse reactions - because of this the 'facts and figures' you get about adverse reactions are grossly understated.) Jen
  17. This is the first time I have read the stories in the rainbow bridge section. (Am now asking myself why I had to do this when I was at work!! - Im sure people are now looking at my puffy eyes and thinking I have had a fight with my husband) I hope I dont have to post a story in here for a very long time - my heart is breaking for everyone who has. :D Jen
  18. Beautiful meditation Divine Angel, thank you for writing it Mel774, dont worry, sometimes different animals are around us at the time we 'need' them. I have just become aware of a dog in spirit around me lately (who I owned when I was 4 years old). I am learning animal communication and believe he has come to help me at this time. So you still may feel your dog around you at another time yet! Jen
  19. Hi Hilary30 I too feed my dogs on a BARF type diet and I find the whole supplements thing quite confusing too! I do think sometimes it can get a bit overboard and is probably a bit simpler than you think. I dont believe you need to have a 'balance' of all the right nutrients every night. We certainly dont do this in our diet! I just try and get the balance pretty right over the week. I was giving flaxseed oil as well but my homeopathic vet just told me to stop giving it. Now I cant remember wh - but I have an email at home explaining it so I will check it out and let you know tomorrow! Jen
  20. Ha Ha Bomber is much the same. We didnt give him any soft toys when he was younger, now basically, nothing is worth having if it cant be eaten!! Unfortunately for our other dog Kirra, she likes stuffed toys - so Bomber takes them and then suffers the consequences when Kirra finds out!!! Jen
  21. My husband truly does think he has fur balls - from licking the cat I asked him if he has ever actually seen Bomber licking the cat (which I must say I wouldnt put past him) and he said no - but it is just "obvious" that this is what it is. Thank God hubby is NOT a vet. I'll let you know if I find out for sure what it is! Jen
  22. Ha Ha no probs Hmm the vet has never put him under to have a look (of course, just the same as us as soon as you get to the doctor you cant make the problem happen! ) He doesnt do it when he is on a lead and I would have to describe it as a whooping cough. The reverse sneezing thing is interesting - for some reason I have seen something written about that just recently and started to wonder. Hmm, I think I might take him back to the vet and see if they thing that could be it (and I see I can get a homeopathic treatment for that from my homeopathic vet so I might give it a try). Thanks everyone!! Jen
  23. Hello all I was wondering if anyone might know - my dog Bomber has had this funny hacking 'cough' that just comes on suddenly every now and then. It has happened all his life. No vet can find anything wrong with him. It can happen when he get excited, or sometimes at night, or sometimes when he is just sitting there. All of a sudden he just jumps up and puts his neck out straight and starts coughing like he has hair balls (honestly, my husband thinks he licks the cat and gets hairballs ). He gets quite 'embarrased' about it and puts his back to you while he does it. It can go on for about a minute, then he is fine. A couple of months ago a friend of the lady we got him from was over at my house and heard him doing it. She asked me if I had ever found out why it happened, because his Dad always did the same thing. Apparantly one vet said that it could be a problem with his neck but tests were inconclusive. I am stumped. Any ideas? Jen
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