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Everything posted by Kirra_Bomber_Zeus
My thoughts exactly. What a horrible horrible thing to happen to you. My heart goes out to you and I totally agree with what Inanna said - I would hope someone would do the same for me if it were my dogs and I would never ever blame them for trying to help. Sometimes, things just happen - there's no way of knowing that the accident would have been prevented if you werent there - theres every chance it would have happened anyway, but at least this dog had a friendly face at the end. Jen
run free Barney My heart goes out to you dougal, Barney sounded like a special friend Jen
Reaction To Vaccination
Kirra_Bomber_Zeus replied to Meriment's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Just because 'science' has not recognised homeopathic nosodes are effective doesnt mean they arent. Homeopathic 'medication' does work - science will never want to prove this - but it is proven to me by seeing it actually work. Dogs still get diseases after being immunised 'conventionally' against fatal diseases, and, even though I know you disagree with me on this Cordelia - conventional vaccines have been known to cause the disease they are supposed to prevent. Personally, I cant prove nosodes are effective and truly havent bothered to research it all that much because since I wont be vaccinating my dogs again anyway - it doesnt matter to me. I would dearly love to see what "natural" vaccines vets are going to come up with though if they arent nosodes. By the way - there are bording kennels that recognise nosodes - actually quite a few in the next suburb to me. Actually there have been studies done regarding vaccinations being effective for the life of the dog. There have also been studies to show vaccines last at least 7 years. I guess it just depends on what you believe. Personally - I can not understand the whole 'boost' the immunity thing - and there are studies to show this doesnt work. Either you are immune to something or you're not. We are talking about the veterinary profession who for all these years have been vaccinating annually with NO scientific evidence that this is necessary. Now they have turned around and said we need to vaccinate every 3 years. Whats next? I will not just 'go along' with what a vet tells me to do with my dog. I choose to do my own research because I believe there are ulterior motives (ie money) in these situations - certainly not always with every vet - but definately within the pharmacutical industry. Jen -
Reaction To Vaccination
Kirra_Bomber_Zeus replied to Meriment's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
She had enough immunity as a puppy Trishm There is no reason to get your dog vaxed anymore. Once they are 'immune' they are immune - you cant 'boost' the immunity any more. Your vet giving your dog antihistimines and cortisone prior to a vaccination is one hell of a drug assault on a dogs body all at one time imo - especially one who has reacted before. Jen -
Reaction To Vaccination
Kirra_Bomber_Zeus replied to Meriment's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
There is actually 'natural vaccinations' available now. They are homeopathic nosodes. I use the homeopathic nosodes for heartworm, but none of the other 'normal' vacs as I believe my dogs have immunity for life from those diseases anyway. Jen -
Reaction To Vaccination
Kirra_Bomber_Zeus replied to Meriment's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Parvo immunity lasts a very long time - she won't need it again. I have had dogs exposed to parvo that had not been vaccinated for many years - no problems. Kennel cough immunity doesn't last long, but as it only covers a percentage of the various KC viruses, it is not much help. Maintaining a healthy immune system and using several doses of homoeopathic "bryonia" if it does occur is the best approach for any dog. Have spoken to many vets who say they have never seen a fatality from KC in decades of practice. spot on Morgan Personally I dont think the KC vaccine is much use either. Like Morgan said, it doesnt cover all the KC viruses anyway and it is not a fatal disease. Anyway, it has been found that the KC vaccine is actually the one that my dog reacted to and has caused all her problems. Jen -
Reaction To Vaccination
Kirra_Bomber_Zeus replied to Meriment's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Meriment, Please tell this lady to take her dog to a qualified homeopathic vet immediately. My vet tried to pretend it was 'normal' and 'happened all the time' (as if this wouldnt be cause for concern anyway!!! ) when Kirra had a reaction to her vaccination as well. Beware - the problems the dog is having now may not be the end of it. Kirra now has a bad immune system and severe allergies to most medications, beef and other things because of her reaction. She is slowly getting better under homeopathic care. I know another lady who's dog had a vaccine reaction and showed signs of agression and being unable to move and generally was not herself afterwards too. Also, please please please ask this lady to make sure the vet reports the reaction to the correct authorities and gives her a copy of the report. It is required by law but I know there are many instances where it is not reported - and therefore the 'real' figures on vaccination reactions are never known! Oh yes, and as Ci said - the dog should never ever be vaccinated again! Jen -
Thanks Caffiend42! Im going to do it! Jen
Hey - this is clever! How do you make it? My dogs decided that Tuna wasnt for them, neither was sardines - so now the only fish they will eat is salmon! I give them natural yoghurt (only sometimes as Kirra ends up with it all the way from the top of her head to her tail So, only on bath days ) Jen
Whos Gets There Dogs Shots Every Year
Kirra_Bomber_Zeus replied to DoBeRMaNN's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi Dru Obviosly we dont have some of the same vaccinations that they use in US (like Rabies) but 'vaccinations' are the same anyway. The vaccinations give the dog immunity, which the cells then remember - you cant make the dog 'more immune' or 'boost' their immunity after this. It is not the actual 'strength' of the vaccinations that have caused the research to show vaccinations are not necessary yearly (and they never were) if you know what I mean! (Sorry - I feel as though I have a scrambled brain today!!) Jen -
Whos Gets There Dogs Shots Every Year
Kirra_Bomber_Zeus replied to DoBeRMaNN's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
It is difficult if you need to kennel your dog alot. I am very lucky in the fact that my dogs dont need to go anywhere that would ask for vaccine certificates. Out of interest, since the AVA are advising vets to change vaccination schedules to 3 yearly, do you think this will filter through to kennels etc? I suppose it could take a while. Jen -
Whos Gets There Dogs Shots Every Year
Kirra_Bomber_Zeus replied to DoBeRMaNN's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thats a bit strange as it has been proven that vaccinations last much longer than a year. (Veterinary Association say 3 years, but its more like 7-10 years) Sounds to me like these dogs that were 'wiped out' were never protected by the vaccination in the first place. When did this actually happen Chris64? Jen -
Whos Gets There Dogs Shots Every Year
Kirra_Bomber_Zeus replied to DoBeRMaNN's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I dont vaccinate my dogs anymore after my Staffy had a major reaction leaving her with a very bad immune system and a skin condition that is still having a very negative effect on her life. Titre testing is good, however I havent done this either as what it actually shows is whether there are any antibodies in the system at the time of the test. If your dog hasnt been vaxed for say 3 or 4 years he may show up with no antibodies - this does not mean however he can not produce them if they are required. Antibodies are produced when the body is required to fight a disease - if the disease is not present and no 'left over' vaccinations are present then no antibodies will show. The cells 'remember' and if the immune system is in good shape, when the risk of disease comes, it should be able to produce the required antibodies. I have done my research and I guess while some people think they are risking their dog's health if they dont vaccinate - I think it is risking their health to vaccinate. I received this link today which I found quite interesting http://www.newvaccinationprotocols.com/5%2...munology%20.htm it is not an 'anti-vaccination' site but instead facts on immunology. It does show that the only reason vaccinations were ever recommended to be done yearly was for convenience - for vet to do health check ups and for the client to remember easily. There was no scientific reason for it. Jen -
My heart goes out to Travis's family.. What a terrible thing to happen RIP Travis ;) Jen
Lots of healing thoughts coming your way from me Shmoo (and to your Mum) Run free Glenda... Jen
Should I Be Worried
Kirra_Bomber_Zeus replied to Buster's Mum's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
This scares me a bit Cordelia. I hope I am misunderstanding what you have said. Are you saying you vaccinate even if the dog appears not to be in good health?? The vaccine manufacturers do state on their labels that ONLY healthy dogs are to be vaccinated. So vaccinating suspected unhealthy dogs is against the manufacturers directions. Jen -
Should I Be Worried
Kirra_Bomber_Zeus replied to Buster's Mum's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Sorry, but that isn't right. The vaccines for Parvo, either live or killed can not GIVE a dog the actual virus regardless of the weight or general health of a pup. Sorry Cordelia, but it is right. Vaccines CAN and do cause the disease they are designed to prevent. It has happened countless times with humans as well. Even a lady I know had her dog contract Distemper from the vaccine because her immune system was low and she should not have been vaccinated. I can dig up more info if you like, but I have done a fair amount of research on the dangers of vaccines after Kirra had her reaction. Jen -
Yep, I think the diet plays a big part. I think dogs that are fed on Pal or similar (and yep, I used to do this too!) dont have a great immune system in the first place as they are not in top health. Even I think it would be dangerous to not vaccinate a dog who is not fed a healthy diet! Jen
He He - I can understand you being obsessive about the vaccines with what you have been through - I guess the experiences we have shape our decisions! :p One of my dogs, Kirra had a bad reaction to her vaccination which destroyed her immune system and we have been struggling with skin allergies etc ever since - so of course, Im paranoid about giving vaccinations Do ask him though - obviously it is better not to load their body up with more chemicals than necessary, and with the new information, you should feel safe from your point of view too Jen
Should I Be Worried
Kirra_Bomber_Zeus replied to Buster's Mum's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Im so sorry this has happened to you Busters Mum. There is a good chance that if he was vaccinated when he was very underweight (which the vet should not have done - only very healthy dogs should be vaccinated) that the vaccine actually gave him the virus. Sorry if this sounded harsh its just that it really infuriates me when vets vaccinate unhealthy dogs. They should know better. Hugs to you and I hope he pulls through ok. Jen -
Melisski, Im not up for the vaccinating argument today anyway :p but, just wondering, has your vet not told you that the recommendations for vaccinations are now changing to 3 yearly? Most vets should be up with this by now. (Not preaching or telling you what to do, Im just wondering for my own info. Its just that Im curious whether some vets will actually volunteer this new information or whether you have to ask - my vet knows I dont vaccinate anymore but I asked him whether he was informing people of the new information and he said he was) Jen
Cure For What Ails Your Dog
Kirra_Bomber_Zeus replied to GreatDanz's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Dan I feed both my dogs raw too and although it has lessened Kirras allergy problems significantly - and I would never feed anything else again - she does still have some allergies! Jen -
What a beautiful tribute Firstnoel No-one here will ever think you silly for crying over your beloved dogs death. They are not 'just pets' to us, they are your family. So you dont feel silly - just look at me - I cried the other day when I read about dogbesotted's Jake crossing the rainbow bridge - but not when My husband told me my Mother in Law had been admitted to hospital. Yep, its definately an animal world to me. Kandy will always be with you as even though her body is gone, Im sure her spirit will always still want to be with her 'Mum'. Hugs to you. Jen
I knew I would cry if I had to read about Jake again - but I also knew you would write something beautiful, as you did with the Divine Miss Sophie. It sounds like you gave Jake the best of the best for his last 5 and a half years - how wonderful it must have been for him the day you came into his life. Although their soft bodies have left this life - listen carefully and I bet you can still hear the sound of paws on the stairs and soft doggy breath. They will always be with you. Jen
yep, I think its more fun than preparing your own lunch too!!! That just reminded me that when I was giving the dogs Kongs everyday I had a special jar of peanut butter that I used for them (as I would dip the knife back in after it was in the kongs etc). My husband nearly had a heartattack when he saw me doing it one day - yep, that was the jar he had been using - and yep, it had DOGS written on the top in black marker Jen