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Everything posted by Bella9

  1. Thank you everyone. I can't get her into the vet until tomorrow. I'm carrying her etc just incase but she is walking and moving fine so far today
  2. Hi, Yesterday my small dog (9yrs old) jumped out of my arms and landed on a rough floor. She seemed fine at the time just frightened. She was fine all day today but tonight she was shaking and hiding (similar to what she does in a storm). I just went to take her outside and noticed she wasn't using her back legs properly and was limping. However when I called her she walked normally towards me. She has been making a few soft moaning noises when moving but these are also not consistent. She freaks out when arriving at the vet as she doesn't like other dogs, and she doesn't let the vet touch her. So to get x-rays or anything she will need GA. I would prefer not to put her through all of that if I can help it. Please can someone tell me what I need to do?
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