Hi, I have a Westie that has some form of an allergy. The vet is not sure if it’s a food allergy or grass allergy or some other allergy. She has a very black tummy area and is licking like crazy in that area and on her genital area.
The vet has given me a course of Apoquel tablets & some cream (at $197 for the vet visit!) to help her and has advised me to look at her diet to see if the food is the cause.
All sounds good but the vet has advised me to not give her any of the meats that she has already been eating in her 7 yrs of life! So as far as I know, the only meats I have never given her is crocodile or venison.
I have no idea where I would buy crocodile meat and also I worry about how much this is going to cost for all this.
Researching this morning on foods and allergies on dogs I’m coming to the conclusion that maybe she has a yeast allergy as all the symptoms sound the same as what my Westie has.
I have seen quite a few ideas on what food to give a dog that is having problems with yeast but I’m getting confused as some contradict others.
On one website someone has said no potatoes, carrots, green peas, corn or fruit (of any kind)…… yet other posts and recipes for their dogs say to get silverbeet, carrots, oranges, apples etc and blend them to add with turkey necks or chicken necks.
Should I add vegetables to the meat or not?
I am going to try and see how she goes with fresh chicken/beef meat first as I really don’t know where to buy crocodile so will see how I go. She has been brought up on can food so I will stop that for the time being.
Another question, I give her a drop of lactose puppy milk each morning as she loves the milk and a small smackos each morning, should I stop the milk also ?
Long winded post I know , but hopefully I have included everything I needed to.