Here i will answer everybody's questions.
i did try to contact them both with email and phone as possible, but i still didnt get any respone as i feel very disappointed, maybe i should wait longer.
My email start with a little introduce my self, where i live, my living environment, family members and end with:
If possible, we would like to know about if you and your dogs will be at any shows coming up, that we can come to see you and your lovely dogs. Also we will appreciate that if we can know more about your breeding plans and one day hopefully getting a puppy from you. Thank you.
(never ask price as a first email, i knew its really rude).
Before sendding email, i do lots of work by asking my family and seraching goolge how to write an appropriate first email to breeders. I didnt feel my email is rude (if does, plase tell me).