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  1. I think i had found some breeder i would like to try and get a puppy from, but im lost at how to start a talking with them. I would like to start by emailing and phone them later( if not replying after 1 or 2 weeks) because english isnt by first language. Would be very appricate with any help, also i would like to know how you started your conversations with your dog breeders. And for the breeders, i would like to know what information do you want to get.
  2. @The Spotted Devil oh!! i dont expect this. i will take ur suggestions to make improvement to my next email. Thanks
  3. @The Spotted Devil just a wrong typing, lying to everyone does not help me to find a puppy, and sorry to confuse you, hope you understand that. thanks for everyone give me so much suggestions, very appreciate that. The main purpose for my post isnt trying to question why breeders doesnt replying, it just a situation i am facing a difficilty to finding a puppy without breeders replying. I absoulty will wait them to respone even take weeks or months form the breeder, because i agree a well-bred puppy is worth to wait!! And i will do my best keep looking my puppy. The ability for me as a person to find a Corgi is very small, i am really hoping someone in dogzonline who knew some Corgi breeders can help me with finding a puppy, i will very happy to contact and keep in touch with them☺️
  4. Here i will answer everybody's questions. i did try to contact them both with email and phone as possible, but i still didnt get any respone as i feel very disappointed, maybe i should wait longer. My email start with a little introduce my self, where i live, my living environment, family members and end with: If possible, we would like to know about if you and your dogs will be at any shows coming up, that we can come to see you and your lovely dogs. Also we will appreciate that if we can know more about your breeding plans and one day hopefully getting a puppy from you. Thank you. (never ask price as a first email, i knew its really rude). Before sendding email, i do lots of work by asking my family and seraching goolge how to write an appropriate first email to breeders. I didnt feel my email is rude (if does, plase tell me).
  5. I tried to contact about 10 Corgi breedesr in Queensland that list on dogzonline,buy there is zero reply one week after. Im finding very difficult to find other Corgi puppy breeder anymore. can anyone help me if there is other way to get a Corgi puppy, im welling to travel about 150km from brisbane, as i also can pay for the fly/ship puppy cost from other state. Thank you!!
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