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Everything posted by Kazm

  1. How long ago did your girl leave? And what was her name? I don't know much about greyhounds
  2. Thanks. I hope they can too. Molly has never spent any time away from her mum and they do have an extra special bond. They clean each other's eyes and ears every day, not so much now that Zena's sick but still occasionally. And on Zena's off days Molly seems to sense things and spends the day with her. They have always been close. Zena has always been such a softie and let Molly get away with everything. She has been a great mum and I do worry how Molly will react when Zena goes. She has so much spunk I just hope she doesn't change. Do you have any experiences with a dog losing its best fur friend?
  3. Chicken necks and wings for my girls. I do chop them into bite size pieces though to prevent swallowing whole . I do know of a pup who swallowed one neck whole and ended up in surgery so please chop them people
  4. So sorry to hear of your losses. It seems to me this nastiness happens to our four legged furry friends way to often. Zena doesn't seem to be in any pain or uncomfortable at the moment but we are watching her so closely. We will not let her suffer in anyway. We are just so amazed at how strong she seems to be. We have decided to make that decision when she stops eating, drinking and can't get up any longer. At present we can still even go for short walks. She loves these and we figure if she can get out and about and sniff the sniffs of the world it's a good day. I have also just figured out that she likes to eat what we have just eaten for dinner each night. She's a cheeky girl. Not eating a lot but enough to keep the sparkle happening in her eyes. We lost a male schnauzer to lymphoma 9 years ago and honestly didn't think we'd be down this track of cancer again. It is so difficult to understand when you know you have looked after them. Fresh food and pampered. I just worry about our little Molly ( Zena's daughter) now. Hopefully she will grow to be an old lady. She's only 5 now and the second Special delight of our lives.
  5. My 9 year old mini schnauzer Zena has been diagnosed with possible hermangiosarcoma. I say possible because without operating I guess nobody can tell for certain or at least if it is malignant or benign.She has a very distended belly and we can feel the tumour in her spleen. She was just not acting her usual self so off to the vets we went. He recommended an ultrasound which showed the mass in her spleen with nodules on her liver and lymph nodes affected too. The specialist does not recommend surgery and told us to take her home, love her and feed her what she wants. He also said we'd have her for barely a month. I guess due to the possibility of her spleen rupturing. It has now been almost 5 weeks and she is still doing ok. Her appetite is not great and I have to hand feed her. The food has to be something really nice and different every day. Sometimes she eats almost willingly other times she just eats enough to keep me feeling happy. She drinks water fine and follows me around still although she seems weaker this last week. Asks to be put on the lounge instead of jumping up by herself. She seems happy just very tired. She still grins at us and wags her tail. Most visitors say if it wasn't for her belly they wouldn't know there was anything wrong. My question is has anyone else dealt with this nasty cancer and left untreated ( she is on 20mg tramadol morning and night) how long has your fur friend lasted. I know my little girl is stubborn but on her really good days I do wonder if they have made a mistake and could it all just be benign.
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