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Everything posted by Kazm

  1. That was my first thought too. What did the kid do to the dog?
  2. Adrienne, I do have to agree. Everyone seems to believe they own the ‘perfect’ dog.
  3. And a very naive owner. ( to be polite)
  4. That is just so very wrong
  5. Sandgrubber, they are the best vets we’ve been to in years. Cannot fault them in anyway. We always feel like we’ve been treated properly and they are always keen to listen and talk. And best of all they think Molly is a super little dog.
  6. Our vet has a pet club which sounds the same. I pay $45 a month and all consultations are free plus 2 free after hours consultations. Vaccinations are free, 10% off all products, 1 free blood test, urine test and an X-ray per year. Plus other things as well. I joined years ago and it works well. I always work out how much I would have spent and paying the $45 monthly always works out cheaper. Having free consultations is great. At different times we’ve been backwards and forwards to the vet and gosh knows how much would have been spent. I love it
  7. Such a beautiful boy. Sorry to hear of his passing.
  8. Good on you Albert. Seems like you got your own way. Congratulations on the first day of the rest of your happy life.
  9. Tdierikx, her diarrhoea was just dark liquid with smallish blood like jelly blobs ( for want of a better description) That happened approx twice and then it was just brown and very runny. Happy to say she’s back to being firm now. She’s eating well and seems back to normal in every way. Yay. She will be on the monthly heartworm from next year now. I’ll probably use Nexgard Spectra ( I’ll do lots of research before finally making a definite decision though) I give her Nexgard for flea and tick prevention. That’s why I’m thinking of Nexgard spectra as she’s had no problems with the Nexgard product. She only gets that though when I know we are going camping and that there may be the possibility of ticks around other than that I don’t use anything. As for the heartworm I’ll definitely just be using it during the summer months.
  10. Rebanne can I ask a question? Why do you stop heartworm meds when your dogs reaches 10 years of age?
  11. Schnauzer max, I do realise that now and I do wonder after using it for so long whether they eventually get a build up of it in their system and then react. I admit initially when I went down that track it sounded so easy and because vets suggest/ recommend such products I guess you just trust them. And probably too naive and never asked questions. After reading about the product I was literally horrified. Absolutely terrible drug. I feel like she’s been poisoned all this time. Thankfully though I can say she is now feeling so much better. Acting very normal. Thanks for being concerned.
  12. Rebanne, I think I’ll be using the monthly tabs after this next 12 months go by or maybe I’ll look into not using it all. She definitely won’t be getting the injection ever again. Seriously considering the vaccine one too. Sandgrubber, Good idea stopping during the colder months. Hadn’t thought of that. Thanks Persephone, she is much better today. Not totally 100% but close. The Pro- Kolin must be working. She’s been to the toilet and I’m happy to say it’s firm again. Mairead, nobody mentioned gastro. And yes, we’ve been there, done that many years ago and this was very different. After last years reaction it all points to the proheart injection and after what I read myself it definitely points to it. It’s either that or stress colitis. And I know everyone can draw their own conclusions and have their own opinions, and yes, every dog is different but after what I read about the product itself I’m really sorry I ever used it and will never ever use it on any future dog I may own.
  13. Just curious if any of you give your dogs the 12 month proheart heartworm injection and if any of your dogs have ever had any side effects. We’ve had quite he worrying week with Molly. She was due for her vaccinations and the heartworm injection which we’ve been doing for years now. Last year however she was also at her itchy best so we decided to give her the cytopoint injection also. The vet assured me they do it with others. Well, within a few hours we were back at the vets. Molly reacted badly and her temp was sky high and she was just not good so it was noted on her file and in my head that we’d never do that again. Fast forward to this year and when I made the appointment it was decided we’d separate the vaccine and the heartworm. She didn’t need the cytopoint. She’s not itchy at present. But the vet was concerned enough to still separate the other 2 as nobody knows what caused the reaction. So last week I took her and she had the vaccine. All good. Molly was fine. No reaction at all. This Monday I took her back for the heartworm injection. All seemed good, although I did think she was a little quiet. That afternoon her poop was a little soft, nothing to worry me. Tuesday she was quiet but I had a quiet day so hard to judge although her poop was still soft. Wednesday, Molly and I was at a friends place and she just sat with me as usual so didn’t pick up on anything, however by the afternoon she went downhill. She tried to vomit but nothing came up and she was just really unwell. She then rushed out to toilet and it was just liquid tinged with blood. I immediately rang the vet but could not get into see them as they were totally booked out. I did speak on the phone for quite a while and he assured me if she was eating and drinking it wasn’t an emergency. Wasn’t happy but she did eat a little chicken for dinner and was drinking. She did go rushing out once more which was still very runny and still tinged with blood. But she settled down for the night and slept ok. Unlike me. The next morning she seemed brighter and was wanting her breakfast and seemed pretty good. I kept her quiet and I thought she was ok. Didn’t go to the toilet until much later that day and even though it was still runny there was no blood. She was ravenous for dinner so we assumed she was coming good. However yesterday she was not interested in her breakfast and also tried to vomit again. Tail was down and I knew she was not well. I managed to get a morning vet appointment where they did a urine and blood test. Her belly was tender to touch too. Which is totally understandable. The tests came back all good which was a relief so the outcome was she either had stress colitis or a reaction to the heartworm. And they are leaning towards that. I actually read up on the product and in black and white it described symptoms that she had last year and just now. She will never get one again and the vet recommended that also. She personally doesn’t give it to her 2 dogs either. I’m so upset I put Molly through this but obviously as they get older their little bodies change just like ours. The vet gave us Pro-Kolin + to help her gut and firm up her poop. She was super hungry last night ( giving her small amounts at intervals and she’s on a chicken and rice diet for now) She slept well and has eaten breakfast as normal and seems so much happier. She hasn’t been to the toilet yet but she probably doesn’t have much in her at present. Think we are all fine now but what an experience. Id be very happy to hear everyone’s experiences or opinions.
  14. Seems like terrible dog owners are everywhere. Poor guy
  15. Certainly looks like he’s living the good life. No wonder he is still with you.
  16. Sorry to hear of your beautiful girl passing. It sounds terrible what she went through but you did the right thing, as hard as it would have been. It’s been 7 years since my girl passed ( hermangiosarcoma) and there is not a day that goes past where I don’t miss her. Take care, the pain does ease but never truly disappears. I’m sure your girl had the best life ever.
  17. Happy birthday Rose. She looks so sweet and surely not guilty of destroying the poor little giraffe.
  18. When a friends dog passed away she had some of this left and gave it to me but my dog refused to eat it also.
  19. Thanks Persephone. I know it’s off topic but yes, still enjoying her camping trips. Loves going in the car. We went away last weekend and friends came with their 12 month old kelpie x border collie Max. She loves him and they had a ball. Still a young one at heart
  20. Being a total novice when we got our first dog, ( over 20 years ago) we just fed him commercial tin food and dry food. Only as years went by our vet, at that time, started talking about what was really put into all the commercial stuff. Our boy got cancer at 10 and had to be given his wings. He was actually mostly a healthy boy his whole life. Although his skin was not real great. We had our girl Zena, by then and I started taking notice of what I should be feeding and doing with her. I fed her fresh food. Roo mince, chicken necks and veges and of course dry food as well. She was a healthy girl. No skin issues and not many vet visits either. Sadly though she got cancer at 9 and was given her wings. By this time we had our current girl Molly. She’s been bought up on the same fresh food but I had changed it up to cooking her veges and adding it to her food. The only difference is that she’s never been a fan of dry food. I can give it to her, mixed with the fresh meat but definitely not every meal, and definitely not a bowl on its own. She’s been quite a healthy girl, no major issues except for developing itchy skin when she was about 6. I know it’s environmental as I can pin point the exact dates when she needs a cytopoint injection. However last year, due to an issue my son had with his dog, I began looking at dog shampoos and I decided to change and I have since used goat soap to bathe Molly. I can honestly say she’s had less cytopoint injections. She doesn’t scratch anymore. As for her diet, it’s changed. By her choice. I bought a different roo/ beef mince mix from Petbarn as they didn’t have my usual and Molly actually refused to eat it. So I bought roo meat from elsewhere and she wasn’t fond of that either. I now buy her human mince and mix the veges with that plus some dry food and alternate that with chicken wings. All of this she goes nuts over. It’s not costing me any more and I figure if we eat it, she can eat it. And it’s just great to see her looking forward to her meals again. I don’t know why she went off the other food, she’s always been a dog that will eat anything but has decided to be a bit fussy in her older age, but she’s a very happy little girl, maintains her weight, bounces around and all is well. And it’s her 13th birthday in 11 days.
  21. Kazm


    Sorry for your loss Rebanne. He looks such a lovely boy. Take care R.I.P Warrior
  22. I’d make a visit to the vet. We let one of my girls go a few days past 63 and it resulted in a caesarean. My vet had checked her and said she seemed fine etc but my gut was telling me different but I decided to go along with what he thought best and as it turned out we lost 2 pups and almost lost mum dog as well.
  23. Well done to 2 puppies although where is a camera when you need one Persephone
  24. I’ve just seen another cross I’ve not heard of before. In the trading post there are Rottle puppies for sale for $2000. Apparently a Rottle is a Rottweiler x groodle
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