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I have a super picky puppy does not eat dry food unless i use as treats or sometimes when in his kongs..if he's not just flicking it all out to make a mess... (tried 5 different premium dry foods then just stuck to raw) he only eats once sometimes twice a day (his choice not ours lol just not interested in multiple feedings he starts to graze... rather enjoys finding his food in toys than having set meals during the day but at night he eats between 5-530 currently he gets 65g beef mince, 3 chicken necks chopped up, and 8 chicken hearts OR 3 gibletts all mixed up in his bowl plus 2-3 days a week il chuck in some liver OR a whole raw egg shell all..he loves it. also has some treats and kibble in kongs hidden around the yard every morning plus a marrow bone every 3days. Also just started him on some whole chicken wings for some dinners...Super shiny coat and very healthy lil pup 15weeks old.
Ive been trying different techniques over the last 2 weeks to get him eating the kibble but he wont. even if i mix it in he will pick out the raw and leave the kibble and if i throughly mix in the mince and kibble he just sniffs it and walks away and will stay away from it all day. Im gona try him on the barf patties that was recommended i just read up on them and they sound good. As for adding bits and pieces i need to add things to reach a balanced diet otherwise he will be only eating chicken.....and adding it little bits at a time i was told was best to help his body adjust.
I tried introducing beef mince last night to see if he liked it and this morning he had the runs... hopefully its just because its new to his digestive system also got some roo in the freezer i was gona introduce later in the week.
Twodoggies2001 Could you give me a run down on what exactly you were feeding your pups at that age? And how often? Soo many ppl have there own system/opinion so want as much info as i can get and work out whats best for my boy.
Yea i tried the mince mixed in with dry and he just looked at me like "wtf is this" then walked away haha. Yes he is a very clever puppy not only in telling me what he wants but even in training learning soo fast... i have been reading heaps of the raw food forums but most the things ive been reading are 6month up etc... i also thought teething which is why i was mixing the milk into the dry etc but still no luck and he eats hard treats, bones and chicken necks with no hesitation ... ROOVA i was giving 100g of dry per feed plus puppy milk or egg.... my biggest worry is not enough calcium / not a balancing his nutrients properly... and just worrying that 1 decent meal is not enough for him at this age (thats the only meal he is properly eating the hearts giblets necks and liver at dinner time he.licks the bowl clean with this meal) vet wanted me to move him straight to royal canin but given it was the only option they sold at the vet it seemed more like an upsell than a proper solution to the problem.
I tried this with some chicken mince i cooked up. He just picked out as much chicken mince as he could then left the rest... but il give it ago tomorrow with some raw beef mince.
Hi guys ive got a 12week old english staffy i brought him home at 10weeks and started feeding him what the breeder was feeding him. (Dry food with puppy milk) 3x a day... he never really ate much just grazed so the 3x feedings turned into leaving the bowl out for him to graze then mixing the milk and dry together etc. i eventually want to feed him dry in the mornings/mid day then raw at night eventually a full raw diet when hes an adult. After the first week i noticed he was eating less and less i thought he was just still adapting but tried him on some raw food at night and he loved it.... i also got vet to check him out again anyways and hes fine infact she praised us on his shiny coat and health etc but when i mentioned raw dinners she said he needs dry as its more balanced for him at this growing age... Ive now started cracking an egg into his dry food to get him to eat it and he will eat abit but once all the eggs gone hes over it and leaves it.... Now at night im feeding him 6x chicken hearts 3x chicken giblets 2x chicken necks (cut up) and 1x chicken liver all mixed together in his bowl (approx 80meat/fats- 10bone-10organ) absolutely loves it and his poos are solid and healthy so far....only been 5 nights soo far. Just want some advice on whether this is adequate for a growing staffy and any tips to make sure he stays healthy and gets the best growth in this young stage etc.. even if you know any good dry foods that you know some staffys love would be great....