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Everything posted by PANDI-GIRL

  1. I'm so happy you found Agi safe & sound, good luck with her health
  2. @Ricky2 Your doing a good job of feeding so many nutritious foods, your dog is lucky you care so much Hey everyone where did Labrador owner Charbearsmum go she would love talking with Ricky about their dogs
  3. Hey @Christine_72 do you think we are to Swayed by fabulous marketing , into trying so many new foods, I know it's lots of fun, like shopping, BUT maybe not the best for dogs like mine who don't seem to handle eating so many different mixtures , I'm sure some dogs do well eating all of the new foods, What do you think?
  4. Lucky he likes the flavor , How did Nugget go eating Frontier pets, do you use that food sometimes, I tried Pandi on Pete Evans healthy everyday pet kibble, WOW she had the worst sore bottom & scooting I expressed the glands & kept bathing with a warm compress, I'm not going to try any more new rich food on her it never ENDS well! I'm keeping Pandi on Frontier pets & Stay Loyal with my own added extras of egg, tin fish, veggies, leftover meat
  5. Wishing for good news today, I hope Agatha finds her way back soon
  6. Sooty is looking so healthy now @Loving my Oldies I love her haircut, That is so sad Sooty was not protected, she has been treated so badly, I'm very glad she has recovered nicely How is Simba liking his new home, is he doing well
  7. Hi @Christine_72 I saw My pet warehouse now has Orijen for sale, have you tried Nugget on the food, what does he think
  8. How much weight does Mezza the boy! have to lose now, it's difficult losing weight
  9. @Loving my Oldies how is the doggy weight loss going, are all your dogs well
  10. I dampen my dogs furry feet & that keeps the hair out of the Dremel
  11. @Rebanne seems like it could work, I'd love to see your dogs using it
  12. @Dogsfevr gee you always sound so strict, like a school headmaster or Hospital matron! Your a dog expert & probably had dogs for many years, Some dog owner beginners will feel a bit unsure with different dog-related tasks, I know I did. I use a small Dremel tool on black nails, weekly or monthly depending on how the nails look
  13. May the saga continue long & often, it's a fantastic read, makes my day
  14. My little Poodle barks at me when she wants to play with toys & have me join in, usually more likely she just sits & stares at me till I get up & play, so your pup is wanting to play with you, which is hard if you have been out at work all day, He is excited your home & wants your attention to play, you can make a plan on how to give him more play with both of his humans
  15. Hi @Smb091 How is sweet puppy Hazel going , is her heart health getting better
  16. Hi @Smb091 Did something happen with your other Lab pup, at 6 months old & with a heart murmur I don't think playing with a new boisterous pup would be good for their health, I hope your pup is healthy & OK
  17. Probably the stairs are quite offputting & it's just easier on the deck, at least its outside, better than on your carpet
  18. @Loving my Oldies Silly me has missed this whole Journey for this sweet little girl, until you mentioned it in your other thread I somehow thought this was about BOOK discussion! I can see I'll have to check everything you write from now on. What a fabulous kindness you have for these older dogs, they are so lucky you find them
  19. @Loving my Oldies you must be so busy, Oh dear! Toileting habits, what do I have in store for me as Pandi gets older
  20. @kayla1 have you heard if there are dogs affected in Australia
  21. Apparently, this DCM, & legumes issue is only in America, not Australia or Europe, according to posts on ( Dog Food Advisor ) maybe America has toxic Legumes & potatoes, Strange!
  22. I think the next dog for me will be an adult, my daughter has a new pup & gee wiz he has some energy, not something I want to deal with anymore
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