Hi! Picked up our new Cavalier pup at 8 weeks yeasterday! I have a 2.5yr old Ridgy x who we began training the moment we got him, he was very food driven so quite easy! Now this gorgeous girl... doesn't seem to be driven by anything except sleep ATM? I've been taking her out for the toilet, with no accidents inside today. Last night she slept in her own in the living room where my boy sleeps. I woke at 4.30 in a panic that she hadn't woken. She was sound asleep, had been to the toilet on her puppy pad but that was it. She woke as I appraosched her, took her out for a wee and she went back I. Her pen, a little whimper and that was it. She is happy to lay and sleep on the grass.. and doesn't seem to need to follow us around. I know she will grow up and 'wake up" but what do I do in the mean time?