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Everything posted by jerez89

  1. Thanks guys! I definitely agree he has arthritis, he's feeling his age thats for sure! The 'hip hole' also? haven't heard of this, any ideas why he digs away in multiple locations and not just one? they're very shallow, just taking the top grass off
  2. I have a 13 year old (quite old!) German Shepherd called Harry. He is definitely slowing down and showing his age recently. He has begun to scratch at our lawn (grass) with his front paws to scrap away the grass and reveal dirt (then sometimes he sits down in it) I don't think this is because he's hot either cause he does this even in winter. Why does he do this? This is not related to when he defecates, this is just anytime. He seems very restless and possibly hurting? He has supplements for his arthritus but while he has slowed down, is still able to walk around our property quite well and even still has the ability to run up and down the fence when the garbage truck comes past. Any ideas why he is doing this? Thankyou very much in advance! Josh
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