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Thanks everyone for your replies. I have noticed she is slowly coming back to herself, still doing odd little things like pacing around the house for no real reason then just dropping on the floor and lying there, literally just going in circles, isn't eating dry food, just wet food currently, won't touch the dry food. I only put the cone on her when we are at work and she is by herself or at night when we cant watch her. When we are home with her, she doesn't have the cone on. We ended up getting the inflatable one which she seems to enjoy more and can sleep better with.... I caught her last night outside licking her stiches so cone had to go back on. Health wise she seems fine, just struggling with certain commands still, I can appreciate the fact she may be a little distraught that we left her at the vets and then this all happened so will give her time of course, I was more concerned as most things I read was that, peoples dogs after desexing were fine after 24 hours. Thanks again
Hi everyone, Just thought id get some advice. We had our dog desexed on Monday (9 month old Japanese Spitz X), came home lethargic and very tired which is very normal from what I have read. Dog has slept in our bedroom last two nights so we could keep an eye on her, had to have a cone on as she keeps licking the stiches. My question is this, how long is it generally before they go back to their normal selves, I searched numerous topics about desexing and most people said after 24 hours the dog was back to normal. My dog is doing things I have never seen before, literally lying on our heads when we are in bed, if we walk around the house will be at our heels the whole time and if we sit, she will sit inbetween our legs and just stare into space. Normally she is energetic and always going... it seems she needs to be around us all the time, she also won't listen to commands that she would normally listen to, the basics, come here, sit, drop etc and treats aren't even winning her over. As I write this she is sitting under my chair doing nothing, she has never done this before, usually would sit on the couch and look at me or just sleep lol. If I walk to the kitchen shes right there at my heels and if I stop walking she will sit inbetween my legs I just want to know is it normal behaviour and can it take some time before they find their mojo again after Desexing. Thank you in advance
I think it's funny because it seems most dogs are happy with a warm blanket.. my dog loves sleeping on her blanket inside.. So I understand the Op shop blankets and dogs just loving them.
This is one of the more recent photos of her.
Hi all, just wondering if anyone has had luck with a tough bed that a dog cannot chew? My dog ha started chewing on her beds and pulling the green filling out (they are Kmart beds) we exercise her before we leave her and she has plenty of chew toys and kongs but this is just a fun thing for her. Has as anyone found a solution bed to this problem? Any brand that seems indestructible? Thanks in advance
Thanks Showdog... I get such mixed responses as you can see, some people say they drop coat twice a year, others say it will be all year round like yourself so my responses are mixed and confusing but I understand everyone's opinions too. Can you explain what you mean brush in line and comb? What's the difference? Sorry for my inexperience just wanted some answers.
Hi all, I searched this forum for an answer on puppy shedding and one thread came up which didn't give a lot of info and it was from over 6 years ago so thought i'd start a new one. We have a 5 months old Japanese Spitz X Shiba Inu and currently is shedding like crazy, our couch, clothes covered in her hair. We have her groomed almost every 2 - 3 weeks professionally and they take a fair bit of hair out and we try to brush every couple of days. However it just seems like it's not enough and she is always shedding... I understand she may be changing her coat but how long can we expect it to last for and secondly are there any other tips to help alleviate the shedding... I know about the Furminator which our groomer uses but I don't want to use it too often either as I know it can be harsh on the undercoat. Any thoughts or recommendations. Thank you for your replies in advance.
Awesome, I drove past My pet warehouse today haha could of picked one up... the ones from America use real grass where this one seems to be a rubber grass mat which is cool and yeah the free on helps... I have 100 pee pads so I am assuming I could use them in it too.
Thanks Alibi, I'll look into that one too... is it true it turns the urine into a gel? Thanks
Hi Maddy, Wow, they look awesome, how often are you having to wash them?
Hi all, Just wanted to gauge opinions on this matter, I have searched and searched this forum and others and struggling to find up to date answers etc. I live in an apartment and recently put a Pet Loo in the pen she stays in at night (it's in the garage) and she has been using it perfectly, stupid me left it too long in between cleans (2 weeks) before i emptied it and washed it and the grass... I have since use White Vinegar and washed it with hot water to try and eliminate the foul odour it releases but it just isn't going away... Did I leave it too late to clean it and the grass has pretty much gone bad now? I have read many articles and opinions on these and people struggle with outdoor ones, so you can imagine how an indoor one would go with smells. In reality, has anyone found a full proof way to maintain these artificial grass toilets? I have tried pee pads but my pup just tears them up, why can't she just understand me and she use them for peeing haha. Thank you for any responses in advance.
Hi Showdog, Thank you for your reply. Our situation is a little unique, we live in a townhouse with no backyard but a front yard which we have to take her out too. We are moving to a house in a few months so this isn't permanent by any means but we have to make do with what we have. The pup is very clingy, we have toys galore in her pen and upstairs when she is with us and we give her new ones every few days, but she will play for a minute and then come and jump on us for more attention. She is starting to settle down after a few minutes when we put her in the pen, there is maybe a minute or 2 or crying/howling but then she just stops and i presume goes to sleep. I find that a win from when I first started this post. Unfortuntly she doesn't have free roam just yet as sometimes she will go toilet inside, most of the time outside but we are in the middle of toilet training. She has a great personality and is always ready to play until she is tired and wants to sleep. I will start using a radio when we pen her so it's not silent when we are not home, what happens when your pups sleep at night and you do? you don't have any noise on do you? She has a rooster plush teddy and blanket she cuddles up too at night, found her sleeping on the rooster the other morning rather than he comfy bed. I am not crate training her because she has a big pen to herself. Baby steps i know is the name of the game here. Thanks for your reply once again.
Hi all, I did watch the video by Mrs Rusty Buckets, I am trying it this weekend. Is it possible to almost re-train her to love her pen? I feel it has a negative impact towards her, she started moving her bed closer to the gate, I'm assuming because she wants to be as close as possible to us. Roova - I have a kong but once she is in her stressed state she sees nothing but wanting to get out of the pen. Thanks again
Hi guys, Again, thanks for your replies. Ruralpug: I have tried to make her pen a happy place, we have toys in there, chew toys as well - my wife and I play with her in there, feed her in there etc I haven't had a chance to try the clicker training in the video although I plan to this weekend. Mrs Rusty Bucket: I want to cave in but i end up turning my TV on so I can't hear her - a bit of tough love. I hope this isn't detrimental however. I know it's only 4 full days in so I am probably expecting too much from her to just be cool with being on her own and to be honest from the second day, my wife and I were at work so she was alone for a fair chunk of the day so I can understand that as well. I got home about 10 minutes ago and waited outside my front door for a couple of minutes (My wife left home an hour ago) and I heard nothing then i heard crying and howling, wasn't sure if she maybe heard me which I doubt cause I was quiet, or had been crying since she left. She's at the stage where unless she is at my feet she is won't be happy. I gave her a nice chew stick and she picks it and sits down near my legs to chew it, if i move, she will move too... I have tried all these calming anxiety songs I found on youtube apparently specifically for dogs which she is ok to fall asleep to, but if she is going off and then it really has no point. Maybe I need to try talk back radio. I am just trying to nib this in the butt as early as possible but maybe I have asking too much of her at 9 weeks old and only being home for 4 full days and 5 nights and I haven't been home all that time either. Thanks again for your replies, they are much appreciated. Jay