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Everything posted by k9katz

  1. Actually I knew this from an old book I have here called First Aid For Pets. Just a minimalistic search on the internet returned these, apparently from different people http://rat-terrier.com/Home/tabid/37/forum...ic/Default.aspx http://www.oes.org/page2/10648~WHAT_TO_DO_...ll_objects.html http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...30132528AAgyn3s http://www.mothering.com/discussions/archi...p/t-563779.html http://www.marlischis.com/firstaid.htm http://www.bassingaround.com/cgi-bin/yabb2...um=1178328942/0 I am sure that elsastella, as she is already under the guidance of her vet, will continue to work closely with the vet to remedy the situation, I was mearly suggesting this as a possible help for the poor dog to pass the object, something maybe she could discuss with the vet? Elsastella, we havent heard from you again, I am only concerned for your pup, not how other people react to my advice, how is she? Give her a hug.
  2. I'm not sure if its too late for this but you could feed her a few small cotton wool balls soaked in milk or meat broth. The idea is that they will form a mass around the sharp fish hook and thus guide it safely through the intestines. You dont say if it had line attached, if it did be very careful if you see this protruding out of her bottom and DONT pull it. I'd be checking EVERY stool throughly until its passed. Hope that helps a little.
  3. Artemis Fresh Mix is also available in Australia now. They have a grainless food too and it wont be available through PP
  4. Breed and age: German Shepherd Dog 3.5yrs , 38.6kg Product name, size and cost: Artemis Fresh Mix Adult 15kg $98.45 Daily amount fed: 4 cups How long does the bag last: 37.5 days Average cost of feeding/week: $2.62 per day / $18.38 per week Anything to add: That's all he gets apart from a biscuit at night and occasional roo treats. Breed and age: German Shepherd Bitch 6 yrs 10 mths, 24kg Product name, size and cost: Royal Canin Exclusive protein Maxi 12kg $95.05 Daily amount fed: 2 cups How long does the bag last: 60 days Average cost of feeding/week: $1.58 per day / 11.09 per week. Anything to add: This dog has many allergies and the RC exclusive protein is the ONLY dry food she can eat. Its mixed with fresh meat, brown rice, pasta, carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin. Weekly addition of sardines and or tuna. Add in the cost of Omega oils and Vets All Natural Health Booster and weekly cost would be way higher than $11.09
  5. Hi there, another product you can try is called Allpet Fly Repellent cream. Its got an antiseptic in it also which helps to heal the existing bites and sores. I have many customers who swear by this product. If you cant get it up there in Sydney let me know and I am sure I could send it up.
  6. Here you are Laffi, as taken from the lab report for my 6 year old GSD bitch. Couch Grass, Paspalum,Orchard,Canary Grass,Johnson Grass, Dock/Sheep Sorrel, English Plantain,Oilseed Rape,Juniper/Cedar, Box Elder/Maple, Privet, Willow, Aspergillus,Alternaria, Cladosportum, Pullataria,Nigrospora, Cat hair, House dust mites, Chicken, Eggs, Milk, Turkey, Oatmeal, Braley,Tomato Pomace,Peas, Pyrethrum, Tobacco Smoke, House Fly and Malassezia. (Phew well you did ask) She has been on a Hyposensitization programme since 28th Sept 07 which seems to be working quiet well. She is off cortizone now, has just started to grow a little coat, she lost most of it, has more hair on her feet than I can ever remember ( chewed feet constantly) ears are a nice normal colour ( used to be bright red all the time) Hardly scratches at all. I bath her twice a week in Malaseb and feed raw meat, brown rice, pasta, veggies. Supplement each day with Vets All Natural Health Booster and Omega Blend Oil and something I have found works wonders for her sore ears is to massage 1 drop of pure emu oil into the insides of them once a day. Her ears used to be so bad that the skin inside the ears was so dry and flakey that she would rub her head only slightly and her ears would bleed. Downside on diet is I cant keep weight on her at all. Downside on program is I HATE giving the injections. Its a long expensive process but I think there is hope of great results. Interestingly she always had a few allergy symptoms but since having her speyed in February 07 they exploded out of proportion. Hope you find this of interest.
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