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Everything posted by Emilygrace

  1. She came home today! She wont touch the Hills I/D low fat though, I tried a few different things to get her to have it but in the end I made her some boiled chicken and rice. I'm going to the pet shop to look for different food to try tomorrow, any suggestions? Is it ok for her to eat just chicken and rice?
  2. Thanks! I had never heard of canidae before, but there is a stockist right near me so Ill have a look. Apparently while in hospital my Cocker would only eat chicken, wouldn't touch the Royal Canin or Hills. Does anyone know about the Bone broth though, because I think that would be the key to getting her to eat the premade food, but I don't know if its inappropriate for dogs with Pancreatitis. They rang me to tell me she could go home this afternoon but apparently 5 minutes before I arrived she vomited and had a temperature . Hopefully she is home soon.
  3. Thanks! I have been looking through the forums gradually :)
  4. Hi. My 6 year old Cocker Spaniel has been hospitalized for the past 5 days with severe Pancreatitis. We have all been very upset but are hopeful she will be able to come home soon. I read that Bone Broth is good for digestion,and even read some people use it for human pancreatitis. Does anyone know if this is too fatty for a dog with pancreatitis? I am obviously going to skim the fat off the top once its cooled, but is it still a fatty liquid? I will ask the vet obviously. Also, I have read about Enzyplex for EPI, but would it be good for a case of Pancreatitis? I don't know what goes on with Enzymes when a dog has Pancreatitis, but would they benefit from having that added in? I'm going to ask the vet this as well when I speak to him. What do other people feed their dogs with Pancreatitis? Do you work out the fat % just by going off the table on the back? Is it important to be low in anything else besides fat? like Protein or Carbs? Thanks so much for any replies. Emily
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