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Everything posted by Paro

  1. The dogs are brothers from the same litter which is another reason it maybe genetic
  2. Thanks hadn't thought of this a will ask the vet and see what he thinks it wouldn't be a common thing ..but while the blood is being tested ..it may as well have a tox screen too! Did the vet consider anti coagulant rodenticides as a cause? Are /were the dogs on any treatment , eg : vit K to stop the bleeding ? Obviously being of the same breeding , a genetic problem is entirely possible ..however, lots of other things need investigating as well . Don't just let the vet say "they had/have a clotting problem" and leave it at that !! As said previously , you NEED TO KNOW . is it lifelong , do you need to beware of injuries ? is it getting better since that episode ? LOTS of questions for the vet ! My link have a read here, too :) Yes anti coagulants have been considered and ruled out. They are on vit k
  3. Thanks hadn't thought of this a will ask the vet and see what he thinks
  4. The vet is also having trouble finding somewhere to follow up on testing. The thought of them being injuried and me needed for info on their condition is why I'm trying to get info now. I try to give both dogs plenty I needed exercise. I was just trying to say they don't go anywhere without us knowing.If you have ever had Pointers you know how destructive they can become without exercise.Thanks
  5. Thanks I will look at that sight
  6. I have notified the breeder but didn't get any response. There is no way the dogs could have eaten something they are always in the yard. The vet think because of their symptoms this was unlikely anyway. I have approached some laboratories that test for bleeding disorders but they do t test for it in Pointers. That is one reason why I put the post up in the hope that someone could point me in the right direction. Ta Thanks for any more suggestions.
  7. I have 2 male Pointers that have been recently desexed. While at the vets they suffered serve bleeding and seemed to have clotting problems. Has anyone heard of diseases such as Hemophillia in Pointers. I can't find much info and would be interested to know if anyone has any info. Still love our dogs just wanted some info in case the dogs suffer any other medical problems.
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