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Everything posted by Aleksey

  1. I was there in the morning, good weather, runners and dog walkers. Funny to see that mostly women run in the morning of business day. Are they all housewives? I laminated some signs there and changed the topic name as advised. :-)
  2. In 2015 it was Thursday. I was there several times later. I am afraid of asking questions. I asked only once about black and white Cocker Spaniel and the man with a dog thought for a second then answered 'No'. I think nobody of dog walkers would cooperate being asked like this in the street because they would think that the dog did something wrong. So if they share information then their own rights are in danger. I was there several times. I noticed only dark brown Cocker Spaniel with aged blonde woman, they departed towards the lift. There is lift from the park level to the level of the streets above the park. So there is also a park above the park with a view to the CBD, bridge, etc. Quiet and secluded green place.
  3. Woman imitated that she tries to kill the small boy and while doing so she put his life in real danger, then attacked him another way, etc. So a dog wasn't involved? You are just hoping to find dog walkers that might have seen what happened? Yes. Dogs are involved only partly because that place is some kind of dog walkers club, most people who come there regularly are dog walkers.
  4. Woman imitated that she tries to kill the small boy and while doing so she put his life in real danger, then attacked him another way, etc.
  5. Actually I like the dogs and parks, especially near the sea. For example, the main charm of Adelaide for me was not only the long beaches and sunsets but also the dogs walking there and playing in the water. Pirrama Park in Sydney also is the special place, there is good sea air, feeling of isolation and calm. And the dogs. This post is the last ditch attempt to find a witness who was in Pirrama Park on July 23 2015 about 14:00. The hearing is scheduled for September 13 in FCC, family law. On previous hearing the judge continued to ask me "where is your witness?" as my position is largely based on what happened in the park. I do not have much hope and personally I would prefer to speak about the dogs. :-) Anyway I feel obliged to make this try. Besides other people there was at least one Asian woman looking at us, she was wearing long dark coat, she was with a dog. Actually I did not see the dog, only the leash. I came there next day at the same time and there was again Asian woman with black and white Cocker Spaniel ( or perhaps dark brown and white? ). She looked like frequent in the park and she had a conversation with blonde woman there, like they were acquaintances. I even cannot be sure that it is her dog, she could simply walk with somebody else dog. I did not speak to her that day and then she disappeared, I did not see her there anymore. Or perhaps she was there but without the dog so I could not recognize her. :-) I think I could pay big award for finding anybody who was there at that time and have seen something strange. The main idea is that a woman behaved strange and dangerous way toward the small boy. It was so strange that nobody actually believes me so I am in difficult situation in many aspects. For example I did not see that boy for a year and that hearing can decide whether I will see him again or not.
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