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Posts posted by DobermanDave

  1. yeah you guys are right my litte staffy 7 week old pup ate some of the pet mince i put for my big dog cause he doesnt touch it for some reason and she had ugly wet stools for the first time since i got her so shes back on royal canin untill i go and buy some human grade mince

  2. ok he just vomited it all up now i know why they call it barf i wenbt to some website called barfworld.com and they said to make him fast for one or two days and then do the rapid switch over and feed only barf i might try this if anyone else has done it

  3. OMG today i started my dogs barf diet he also got hes 3 month worm tablet so i dont know which one it could be but i have given him worm tablets before and nothing like this has happened ...this is what happened i just took him for a walk and in the middle of the footpath e just starts getting violent dioreha and starts splattering golden colored crap everywhere i started to freek out ive never seen him do anything like this before normally he controls hes crappings untill i tell him to do so behind a tree or something..this is very scray he is now lieing down in hes kennel looking depressed and weird ..is this normal when stating the barf diet?

  4. ok this is what i could find please critique my diet... this is what i plan to feed my dog every day mix chicken frames,lamb neck,turkey necks, chicken necks and pet mince beef this is all i could get for now so im planning on putting a little of everything in bags to give to my dog everyday plus ill do that eggs vegetables and fish thing twice a week... am i doing it wrong?

  5. ive decided to put my doberman and amstaff on a barf diet but i need a kind of extra strengh barf diet to make them big..does anyone have any recipes for me to use ..also i know nothing about the barf diet i only know its raw foods.. thanks

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