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Everything posted by jezebeldobe

  1. One of mine is on cytopoint. Can usually stretch it out to well past a month, usually 8-10 weeks in the cooler seasons.. works a treat
  2. https://www.avma.org/News/JAVMANews/Pages/190215h.aspx It strikes dobes more than any other breed with over half either affected or carrying genes of the disease. If the breeding practices of dobes continue with affected dogs and if we don't get some more information of what exactly causes it there is a strong prediction the dobermann as we know it will be extinct in 25 years.. Probably will be any way if PETA and RSPCA etc get their way.. but nonetheless, alarming stuff! I've heard of pea's changing the menstrual cycle and fertility of bitches and now the thing about lentils.. I have no idea what the best thing to feed my dogs is. Its alarming.
  3. Having dobes this is super important to me as DCM is a HUGE killer of our breed in general. Nearly every single grain free food I see on the market has lentils and peas. On the other hand, kibbles with grain usually have one meat or meal and the majority of the food is grain. In saying this I have one girl 9 in November, one 8 in October. I've had two others that lived until 13 on a varied diet of premium and basic kibbles with vegetable and meat added. I'm trying to decide on the best diet to raise my newest girl on to reduce the risk, although I know its also in a dogs lineage and genes..
  4. Thanks for the replies. I'm definitely not anti-grain especially having dobermann's and reading the studies regarding the link with cardio .. I just thought I'd ask as have seen many other kibbles reviewed here and saw this but haven't seen much about it. I like that the first few ingredients are all meat meal. Mine already get bones and vegetables and things in addition to their kibble but the thing is I don't find this all that more expensive than others out there. Certainly not as expensive as Ziwipeak and some stores have it out at $97 for 11kgs..seems ok
  5. Looking for opinions on this food? strictly ingredients wise (and reputability of the company). Thanks in advance https://www.vetalogica.com.au/collections/vetalogica-biologically-appropriate-dog-food
  6. Was there an official photographer? I always love checking out the photos!
  7. Thanks Oakway looks like travelling is what needs to be done! My local post office also said they wouldn't ship it
  8. Hey Oakway... South Australia isn't great for vets. The nearest one I trust is 380 km away so was going to do it all myself... I've read you need 'serum' so is this spun blood?
  9. Bump I also need help on how to keep chilled and what to say to post office.
  10. As someone who has experienced same sex aggression between females I would not risk it! My 4 year old ended up KILLING my 13 year old. She also attacked my submissive 2 year old. There was no forewarning, she just decided she wanted to be the only bitch in the house one day.
  11. Hey there! This happens regularly to my dogs. I rub coconut oil/medicinal manuka honey on the area and cover with a couple layers of vet wrap. Manuka honey helps inflammation/infection and coconut oil is used when the skin is just rough and the hair is gone. There are other 'butters' or things you can buy online for things like this to although I have just used what was already in my cupboard (namely the above) and that has worked :) You just have to be sure its a callous and not something else! an inflamed callous may need to be drained by the vet depending on whats going on there.
  12. Ososwift thanks for your story. Sounds very similar. I have also heard that sentiment and I'm inclined to agree. I find it puzzling that neither of my breeders educated me about SSA in the dobe. I have done my research but assumed that with well bred girls and training it may not happen to me (HAHA-I was wrong). I am not set up on an acreage nor do I have proper kennels or lots of space like a lot of dog enthusiasts so I am finding it slightly unfair on both my girls to be living like this at the moment but will start with the vet and go from there. :)
  13. Thank you very much for the rec! I will give them a call tomorrow :)
  14. @Diva Thanks for your response. Its extremely hard but it happens I guess. Vet and behaviorist it is. I would love to know WHY.
  15. Thanks Persephone. Yes just not sure. I have heard of SSA in this breed but knew it was higher risk for two males to be together. Even then, I see so many female full households its upsetting because that used to be us. Between a rock and a hard place regarding rehoming. I will do a full panel thyroid, could be hormones? She is also neutered. I just don't think our current system is fair to either dog although it works and I would be happy to continue if it needs to be done. I'm just looking for suggestions or stories and I appreciate any and all advice. I've always only had bitches, no dogs and never had a problem but I would be wary of having a multi bitch household again, at least in my breed. @cowanbree so rehoming worked for you? I mean, she was ok away from other bitches? Do you mind me asking what breed? You can pm if you like. Wonder if anyone could recommend a behaviorist in South Australia? I'm about 4 ours out of Adelaide but willing to drive any where. I have heard that some bitches from my breeder have turned out with SSA, which leads me to another question, is this sort of thing proven to run in certain lines? @JulesP unfortunately my eldest succumbed to her injures from the first attack and passed away. The other two are separated permanently but I just know for a fact its all the one bitch. My younger bitch is very very submissive to her..lays on her back generally just doesn't mess with her. The older bitch that is deceased may have growled at her a couple of times if she was being too boisterous but thats about it. Maybe that was enough to set her off and now she feels she must defend her top dog status. Thanks all!
  16. No problems thank you I will look into Dr Dodds instead :)
  17. Dobermanns.. Doesn't seem to be all bitches just those who live with us. She mauled my 13 year old dobe when she turned 4. We built runs. Crate and rotate. Is very aggressive to a slightly younger bitch and would no doubt attack her if I wasn't managing it the best I can. Fine with dogs. Not sure of whether to rehome to an experienced no dog home or to continue doing what I am doing now. I would never forgive myself if I rehomed her and something happened. My older bitch ruled the roost and I suppose she may have 'challenged' her so to speak. My younger girl is completely submissive to her but she is still aggressive.
  18. Hi all I hope this is the correct category for this discussion. I have had dogs for years but I have recently found myself in a position whereby one of my bitches will not tolerate other bitches. She was fine until she hit 4 years old and then all hell broke loose. This dog was well socialised as a puppy and adult and had never displayed any sort of aggression (not a growl or anything) towards any human or other dog. I am at loss and blaming myself. I have had her thyroid tested (basic tests) and nothing but I am going to do a full panel just to check. I was wondering if any of you have had to separate your bitches permanently or could give me some answers? Did you have a dog with an undiagnosed illness or was she just being protective of her territory, what did you end up doing, rehoming dog to no dog household, behaviourist, pts? I know there are many different factors for this happening so am just looking to hear some stories and advice. I thank you all in advance!
  19. It's sad isn't it! I lost one at 13 due to another dog attack otherwise she was healthy, no hip problems no thyroid problems just a good girl. She was back yard bred not that I advocate that at all (I was 10 years old when we got her my parents and I didn't know any better). My other girl passed in her sleep at 8, I presume cardio as she was running around and healthy the night before..she was also BYB, well I *think* although we did get the pedigree of her dam so I know some of the lines she came from. Fast forward 15 years and I got my next girl, who will be 6 this year from a 'reputable' breeder. She cost me an arm and a leg as a show prospect but turned out to be extremely dog aggressive (to other bitches not dogs), she's very full on but a nice bitch. My next girl who is currently 4 is everything I have ever dreamed of BUT I have dug into her pedigree, her sire is an Am Ch and so his information and that of his grandsire etc is available on Dobequest. I know there is some cardio in the lines so I am just hoping it doesn't befall on her. Sorry for the long winded reply. Basically I know whom I would purchase from again and who to steer clear of. I also think cardio is a big problem in the USA with a lot of show breeders who test for everything, you can just never know with a Dobermann what will happen. I think this breed is for people who have deep pockets or are willing to spend their money on their dog, I also think any prospective owner needs to be prepared mentally for any events that may happen. We may not always have this breed for a long time but it was always be a good time. I do believe some breeders in Aus just want BIS winners and some only use sound stock. You'd ideally want to see an older bitch or sire being used because genetic problems don't often crop up between 1 & 4. No breeder could EVER or should EVER proclaim that their stock is DCM free as this is untrue and completely misleading but if you want any recommendations you can PM me if you like :)
  20. Thank you for the reply. Does your vet just take the bloods and you send them off? I saw IDEXX has an Aus site so I thought we may now be able to do the complete test here but if not I will look into Jean Dodds. I want every thyroid test possible as its apparently very common in Dobermanns and normal TSH tests/T4 tests dont pick it up.
  21. Hi all :) Any vets in SA that do a full thyroid panel in house? or even if they send them away, know how to interpret them properly? Any recs? TIA!!
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