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  1. Hi all, I'm posting this message in the hope that it might reassure anyone who is frantically googling "Drontal hyperactivity/distress/agitation" at 5am, as I was this morning! I gave my 5 month old pup a Drontal chewable wormer at 4 yesterday afternoon, and she gradually became more and more agitated as time passed. She couldn't settle in the evening, was barking at the TV, barking at the tiniest noises, ripped through a chew bone in record time... I think we didnt realise quite how unusual her behaviour was at this point. Overnight, in her crate, she barked, whined and tried to scrabble her way out...usually she is dead to the world once she is in bed. By then we realised that something was really amiss (and she hadn't just turned into a horrible adult dog instantaneously). She didn't settle and fall asleep until 6am. The day passed pretty regularly and by this evening she was her old self - fast asleep at our feet. Phew. In desperation, I had done some research in the wee small hours and discovered a few people on forums with similar experiences. So if this is happening to you, take heart, it should pass. Our dog is a Kelpie Labrador cross, and online it seemed to be affecting Labs, Goldens and Collies. It seems to be very unusual, but not unheard of for dogs to have this kind of reaction to Drontal Hang in there if this is happening to your dog!
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