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  1. I found your story and related to every detail. My neighbours are sick of my German Shepherd. I have tried many methods for years. The electronic collar works best to an extent until my dog barks its battery out. She only barks when we are not home, she has a huge run, bones galore and she barked just as much when we had another dog. She is not anxious, though she may get lonely, she just loves barking and her bark is very very loud and persistant. I think softening her bark is the better solution for everybody, including my dog. Better than being zapped. Better than being put down. Nobody sees my point of view, but the level of stress on me when my neighbours complain is enormous. I can never go out without worrying. I tried once to pass her on to another owner. It was heart-breaking, but she wouldnt eat and she escaped over his high fences. He gave her back to me and i vowed i would never send her away again. Please, please can you direct me to a vet who will help me intead of judging me as cruel. I adore my dog. I really do. This has been upsetting everyone for years. I am concerned about getting the neighbours complaints, as they may also object to the operation.
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