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Everything posted by Loba
Hi everyone, I need to get a puppy from Whangarei to Auckland asap. Does anyone have any recommendations? The Petbus said they can't transport into or out of Auckland at level 3
Thanks very much. They have taken your advice and are now (patiently) waiting!
Friends of mine are currently searching for a Boston Terrier but they would prefer a dog between 6 months and 2 or 3 years old. They own their own fully fenced home near Eltham in Victoria and have no other pets. Their two sons are 11 and 13 years of age and very eager to share in the responsibility of owning a family dog. They have no preference re colour or gender; they just love the personality and the look of these engaging little dogs. They understand the vital importance of buying from a breeder who is registered and has a good reputation so they are willing to wait for the right dog but how do they find one? I assume that they don't turn up in Rescue very often and the only older dog on DOL is in Nz
Thank you all! He really is a lovely boy and these negative comments have been getting into my head. We do Obedience Training but I think the idea of doing some Agility or nose work is a brilliant idea. Would be nice to actually have fun with him again! What sort of testing behaviours should I keep an eye out for as he gets older?
My 9 month old neutered male Rotty is a sweetheart. Very respectful and playful when meeting other dogs, loves people but waits to be invited for cuddles and adores our cat (the feeling is NOT mutual lol) He has good basic Obedience plus great recall even from playing with other dogs. In other words, a lovely dog BUT....I swear at least once a week some stranger stops me to tell me he will "turn vicious when he matures" or that "A Rottweiler can't be trusted - one day they will suddenly bite." I try to ignore this blatant breed-racism but it is taking a toll on me. Now when he is happily playing with dogs he has known all his life, I find myself watching over the interactions. Likewise, when he is lying down having his tummy rubbed by a stranger, I imagine him suddenly leaping to attack. I know this is counter-productive but how do I stop myself worrying about it?
No...this is not the standard Rotty behaviour. I do understand the difference! This is a 12 week old purebred male pup up to date with all vaccinations, worming etc and given a A grade health check by our vet. He eats well (mainly a BARF diet? and his toileting is so regular that it makes his toilet training far easier. He is crated at night in the living room as our old dog (10) sleeps in the bedroom with us. Twice now he has very deeply growled at a visitor who approached him. This was a head lowered straight legged pose and his hackles were raised. He also lifts his leg to urinate. Nb 12 works old and often tries to hump the legs of children or timid adults. We keep him on a long line in the house so are getting better at preventing his behavior but even so occasionally we have to correct the behavior instead. We use a firm voice to say No and then usually tell him to lie down. He complies INSTANTLY , is very submissive and affectionate afterwards. He is the most demonstratively affectionate dog I have ever owned and is easy to teach, given his age. Am I doing the right thing by preventing or correcting his actions? Is his behavior the sign of a naturally dominant dog or a puppy just *trying it on?* How do I handle this?
Friends of mine are looking to get a family dog that will be predominantly a companion to their 11 year old daughter. I have suggested a CKCS but they are adamant they want a dog the size of a Labrador at least. Could an 11 year old manage a Golden or a Lab? Anyone else have any better suggestions please?
Please PM me. She definitely needs an owner who knows Rotties, who appreciates her huge capacity for love and affection as well as her Rotty stubbornness!
She is currently living with us and I am a bit smitten but we cant really cope with two large dogs....what to do??
I am currently sharing my home with a 10 month old Rotty and she is smart! She picks up new things incredibly easily and already she will shut both doors on command. .bring me my phone and wallet...locate my daughter anywhere in the house or yard on command as well as all the *basic* obedience including off-leash distance commands such as Sit, Down and a standing wait. But.... If she doesnt want to do something she plainly refuses. I am using food treats and balls etc to teach her which she loves but once she decides it's over..it is OVER! Is this passive refusal a Rottweiler thing? Have never encountered it with my GSDS
Brilliant idea thank you but the breeder is not registered and appears to be overwhelmed with medical issues atm so sadly not an option at this time.
Asking for a friend! ! The dog is a nine month old speyed microchipped and vaccinated female. She loves people and other dogs (even cats) and knows basic obedience. They have contacted the breeder who is unable to take her back. They are very concerned that she not end up in the wrong hands! Where and how should they advertise here to try and ensure only genuine people apply?
A beautiful looking 1 year old Rottweiler bitch is being advertised on Gumtree. It appears she was bred by a woman surname of Norris. Just wondering if the breeder is aware their gorgeous girl is being re-homed?
Any suggestions and constructive advice very much needed please. A friend of mine has a 6 year old easy going desexed male Labrador and is getting a new Lab puppy next week. Last time she had two dogs (different ages) she found that the puppy bonded far more closely to the older dog than it did with her so she really wants to avoid that thus time. The current Lab doesnt have a crate although the puppy will.
Wow! After a slow start what a host of constructive posts! Thank you all so much. She knows that starting off with a puppy means she will have to be patient and sadly, even when he or she is fully grown she still may never feel truly safe again. I have forwarded her the pms recommending specific breeders and I will keep you all posted on her decision. I love GSDs and have never owned a Rottie so I am learning lots too!
Seriously? No one has an opinion?
Hi all...a friend of mine, a woman in her 40s was assaulted in broad daylight last week. Obviously she is very shaken and sustained some serious bruising. Her old GSD passed away last year and they were planning on getting another puppy this year. She has asked me for some opinions Please Note ...she does not want a guard dog or a personal protection trained dog. This new dog will be first and foremost a companion to her and her husband. ..no kids. She wants a dog with strong nerves that will stand between her and a perceived threat until she tells the dog to relax. Possibly a dog that will alert her to people aporoaching the house and a dog whose sheer appearance is a deterrent to the kind of thug that attacked her. She is leaning towards GSDs as she has owned them in the past but has had experience of GSDs who are timid or flighty and in the above scenario are more likely to run than to stand their ground sadly.
They tell me he was very cautious and easily startled for the first two weeks but then began to trust them and really came out of his shell. He is affectionate and playful with them and has never once exhibited even a hint of fear aggression. He is a very smart, easily trained dog and stunning to look at
Yes te breeder cannot take him back and doesnt know of anyone looking sadly
My sweet, gentle 2 year old neutered male dog who has papers from a well-known breeder registered o DOL has been staying with friends of mine as I travel between Australia and New Zealand trying to care for my mother who is in a nursing home undergoing surgery and flying back to Melbourne to care for my own children. It as been like this for three months and I am exhausted. My friends have been wonderful but they are not i a position to take on another dog so I am forced to consider re homing him. He adores children and is both cat and dog friendly He is however very cautious even timid when first encountering new situations or new people. he is housetrained vaccinated micro-cihpped and an absolutely lovely dog to own. He is currently in Geelonng but please PM me for more information.
Hi Please Help! Clicker Training a year old dog with absolutely zero food drive - he will let treats literally fall out of his mouth such as liver, hot dogs, roast chicken, cheese etc. I have tried not giving him his meal prior to training - same thing. He will often leave his dinner untouched. He is a healthy weight but at the light range and has been fully vet-checked. He has good muscle tone but is basically just disinterested in food. Prey drive however is high! How can I clicker train using prey drive? I cant throw a toy every time I click because then he chases it and the rhythm of training is broken for maybe 1-2 minutes while he catches the toy. HELP??
Quick update. I have been using adsptil spray on his bed...not sure yet how much difference it is making but will persevere. Have also had 2 sessions with an acupuncturist and three of T-TOUCH and I can truly see an improvement. I have also changed the way we go on walks etc so it is really a whole toolbox of possible solutions! Main thing is thank you all. He is already much imoroved and I am beginning to think we might get there!
I have to say a huge thank you to all who have posted here - in the past this forum has been on occasion rather judgemental but you have all been wonderful! I have booked a consult with a vet behaviourist and have also begun looking into acupuncture. These are really excellent and pro-active suggestions which we are very glad to be able to act on. As I have said he is just an incredible dog at home - absolutely lovely and doesnt put a foot wrong (well apart from couch snuggling with the cats to their disgust!) so it is absolutely worth trying everything we can to help him enjoy the outside world as much as possible. Thank you and yes I will keep you all posted! PS Animallover99 - please PM me - where do I know you from??? :)
How Do Breeders Choose A Puppy To Send To New Family?
Loba replied to KLB's topic in General Dog Discussion
How exciting! Two puppies - my godness......what breed are you getting?