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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Well only because you asked...... Like I need any encouragement! Just a couple of the latest - maybe a couple of weeks ago now!
  2. Tried all those things except for the ginger which I think I will have to give a go. I hate feeling sick, so I can't blame him for hating it also. I used to get very car sick as a child, (and still now sometimes), so I might try ginger myself next long trip!
  3. Sorry, I know I'm stupid, but what does EFS mean?
  4. Lily - Thanks for the advice. This sounds like what they did with the green fluro stuff? Would that be right? This is what the vet said. You mean it just looks bad with weepy eyes? The vet said that if it gets really wet in his eyes it could cause scaring and infection? Interesting! Have you used this before? I didn't want to send him blind or anything. After the vet put it in last night, his eyes were very wet for a long time. I only noticed them dried up this morning. Is this normal? Any hints on how to put it in without me poking his eye out! Thank you soooo much for the advice!
  5. My baby boy is 5 months old. He HATES the car. He doesn't drool but he is sick in the car no matter if it is short or long trips. He has a harness that keeps him locked in he can sit but he always lays down. I tried with his harness off so he could sit easily and look out the window, but he just lies down and cries. I will have to try the ginger! Do you know if you can get puppy car sick tablets like adult ones? He knows where we are going, we go to the same place each week and he is excited when we get there, but he cries all the time in the car.
  6. Sorry if this post is a little long. Some of you might remember, I have been a little worried about my puppy having weepy eyes. Well I went to the vet last night to find I wasn't worrying about nothing - he has blocked tear ducts. My normal vet is overseas, so I had to see a new vet, who I wasn't very keen on and don't have a history with. I did not particularly like him as a person, but he seemed to know what he was on about. He put some fluoro green liquid in Bear's eye's and said it should run down his nose and we should see it pretty quickly - nothing happened. About 5 minutes later one side had some fluid showing but nothing on the other side. He says this means one side is completely blocked and the other only partially. The side that I thought he had a problem and weeped all the time is surprising the better one??? He has given me eye cream "AMACIN" to put in every morning and night for 8 days. If this doesn't work, he said he will need to go under and have them syringed or something. He also said it was more a "cosmetic" problem. Does anyone have any advice, or know anything about this problem or the cream I have been told to use? I know you probably think I am being paranoid, but I need some reassurance! PLEASE!!!!!! ;)
  7. Thanks alot KitKat. I really appreciate your help. You always help me out and make me feel better. Much appreciated!
  8. Oh KitKat - how gorgeous! And that does make me feel better. Look at him now! How cute and big he is! Thank you for doing that for me! He reminds me of Bear with how big the ears are. I think when Bears ears are up he looks like a Kangaroo! I have some photo's. I am not sure of the order but this is what has happened to him. And now....
  9. KitKat - Sounds just like my boy. Exactly the same thing is happening to Bear. He finally had them both up and I took a million photo's because he looked like such a "Big" boy and all grown up and now we are back to where we were a couple of weeks ago looking like the cute little pup again. Thanks for the reassureance, I just didn't want to not do anything about it and keep waiting and waiting and then it be to late and it never come up!
  10. I did notice the picture below, but I am sorry I am not familiar with your breed of dog and didn't realise it wasn't right. Yes, he has very few adult teeth, mostly still the sharp puppy needles so this is obviously why he still has a floppy ear. Thanks.
  11. No my baby is nearly 5 months, so going by what you have said, I still have a few months of up and down to go? Although, I didn't realise that there ears could come down if they had an infection or something like that!
  12. I know it is normal for my german shepherd pu to have floppy ears, and my boys ears have been up and down since I got him but one of his ears that had finally stood up straight, and was up for a couple of weeks has come down again. I thought they were up for good! I have been told at puppy school not to worry because at least it has come up. If it hadn't come up at all then I could worry, but can anyone tell me at what age should I start to get worried about it not staying up?
  13. Thanks guys. Have done this for a couple of days now and my baby boy is starting to get the idea - well at least he doesn't look at me and lay down when I call him now anyway. I'll be sure to keep at it! Thanks again.
  14. Tess - He is nearly 5 months old. Thanks for your suggestions guys. I have been doing most things already mentioned although I haven't tried the chasing thing yet - that will be the next plan of attack I think. Looks like I just need to be patient and consistent - as with everything!
  15. We have started at puppy school calling our pups to "come". All pups can do this, but my baby Bear just sits there and looks at me. I have tried this at home with my husband at one side of our garden and me on the other and tried calling him back and forth. He just sits there, on the odd occasion he comes, but I think it is just because he is bored more then anything. We take him to a dog park some weekends and if he runs off, I can call him and he comes back right away - even with the distraction of 100's of other dogs. I also call his name and try to get his attention "him to look at me" then give him a treat (I have been told to do this from my puppy school so he recognises his name and me calling him). Any ideas / tips on how to get him to come? I know this will take time, just looking for some advice.
  16. I was told on the weekend, feeding dogs bones including marrow bones is actually bad for them and can cause problems with their prostate. Is this true?
  17. Hi guys, Thanks again for the advice, but I think I may of given some of you the wrong idea. I would never force my pup to do anything, I just meant I was going to find a way to do it no matter what. I know it needs to be done, but I would never force it. :rolleyes: I like the idea about baby wipes - is there a certain type that is best?
  18. Thank you for all your advice. Bear doesn't mind his ears being played with - I have done this since the day I got him home. I love touching his ears. It is when I start getting in his ears he isn't impressed. I haven't tried the fridge thing, but I will give it a go on the weekend. I dread doing this as I know how much he hates it, but I also know you are correct by saying he is winning and "being Rewarded" by me giving up. I didn't realise it would be so hard. I love him so much and I hate him being sad. I have decided, no more Mrs Nice Guy! I am going to clean his ears whether he likes it or not
  19. Thanks Guys. I will give it a go this weekend. Have a good one!
  20. I'm worried now. Some say whites are bad, some say they are fine. Some say not good for pups. Anyone able to clarify this for me? Thanks.
  21. Wow - your absolutley positive? I have never heard of that!
  22. So are you saying, you can give your dog a raw egg, shell and all - straight from the fridge to eat? Really?
  23. I do all his grooming. He hates a bath, but is definatly getting better with the use of treats. I can brush him and he doesn't mind, he is more interested in trying to chew the brush I can touch his feet and his nails, although I haven't had to clip them yet. I have been told it is because he walks on the cement and wears them down and I may never have to do that - depending on how much and quick they grow.
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