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Posts posted by Alibear

  1. Even though we cant stay as long as we'd ideally like we will be there. Flame would never forgive us if she missed out, and I know my day wouldn't be complete unless I was mobbed by numerous canines. :rofl:

    I'm looking forward to seeing GirlDog hopefully (FreyaJade I did get your PM's - thanx for that) as well as other faves. (You know who you are)... :p

    :laugh::rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    ;) :rofl::rofl: What about Bear? :rofl:

    Is he a fav? :rofl:

  2. Alibear and I will both be there..........

    Look out everyone !!!!!


    Yep I will be there, and what do you mean "look out" women? :rofl: Come to think of it - want a lift Ali? Saves us both driving up!

    How does some Krispy Kreme donuts sound?? I have to drive right past a KK on my way to Steves.

    Oh PLEASE bring Krispy Kreme's! I :rofl: them!!!!!!!!! Please, please please...... :rofl:

  3. I am really glad you have gained the freedom of offleash work & I bet Bear is too...

    Yes am I and I know Bear is too. Thank you again! :clap:

    I used to take Bear out and it would be such a hassle just to get him in the car :rofl: I guess he wasn't enjoying his time out of the yard being pulled around on leash all day. Now I open the gate and he runs to the car door nudging his way in. Its like he is saying "please take me somewhere I can run around again - I love this off leash stuff!" :rofl:

    Absolutely brilliant news Al :clap::rofl:

    I know how hard you work with Bear, and all the time & effort you put into your training. I'm so happy that it's all falling into place for you both and you're getting the results :rofl:

    Keep up the good work :confused:

    Thanks Lubby....it is hard work, but well worth the effort! :thanks:

  4. What training method or tool would you say has contributed most to Bear's reliability on the recall?

    I would say it was a combination of the leadership / bonding programs that Steve set for me that just maked Bear love me so much :confused: Ok maybe not love me but respect me?

    Steve read the situation and told me it would be fine and that bear would benefit from it - and yet again he was right!

    Good job!!!! Did you break into song?. When the light bulb comes on, to us, it feels better than chocolate!!!!

    Thank you and yes I was over the moon. I just wish I found the light switch a long time ago! :rofl:

    Oh well, we are all learning aren't we :thanks:

    I just knew few months ago, after a lesson Steve did (apparently a rare these days) demo of one of his dogs, Kandy... he walked her down to the training field, left her there and walked back to me, she just stayed, all the while focussed on him.

    We chatted for a while then he called her and she lept up and bolted to him full of excitement.

    My mother was there and the 2 of us just stood there totally amazed and I knew then and there that I wanted that for Bear! My mother was like "are you the dog whisperer?" :clap:

    I'm not quite there yet :clap:, but there is still time!

  5. Chicken :clap:

    You mean you didnt trust yourself and your training, not really Bear, correct?

    Its a great confidence boost to see yourself succeed. Keep on the good work, it all pays off at the end.

    Yep exactly what I meant! I didn't feel confident enough in myself, but once it worked the first time I was like Oh yeah - that did work - how good am I :confused:

    I walked out with Rex in front of about 20 people with their srceeming unrully dogs and had to show them some stuff. Now you might remember Rex doesnt like other dogs... that was all off lead.

    So I did a sit/down/stand voice only followed by hand signals only, all at aprox 50m distance

    Than I did a drop on recall and few silly tricks that made them laugh, we finished with a bow and bark :clap:

    Maaaan that felt good!!!!!

    I bet it did! Congratulations! :thanks:

    Keep on working Ali - more good moments will come your way.

    Thank you... I hope so!

  6. can't wait to catch up again soon.


    Are you going to the Training in Drive Workshop? If so I will see you there.... If not what about the SAR workshop later this month?

    While I'm on the band wagon here :thanks: Anyone in VIC wanting to get a recall and are having problems like I did, I'm sure I seen on K9's Website today he has released a recall workshop when down there in May - Highly recommended!

  7. You must be so proud, not only of Bear, but yourself as well.

    Thanks Ash, I really am proud! I feel like it is finally all coming together!

    and where have pictures been latly of our bear?? huh huh

    I was actually thinking that to myself when I was posting this.......its on my to do list! :clap: I'll try and get some of his "excellent" recall! :thanks:

    Recall IMHO is by far the most important comand the dog has to learn and its a pleasure to say to your dog COME in any situation and know that the dog will come.

    Thanks Monika. I totally agree with you, which is why I have been working so hard to get to where I am now. I would of got here quicker if I had of had more trust in Bear. I was just to scared to let him go. Once I did, he has come along so well........ and fast! :confused:

  8. I just wanted to have a little brag about how far Bear has come in training. I honestly thought for a while there that I had a bit of a "dud" dog, but then I realised it was actually me :clap:

    I have been following 90% of the programs given to me by K9Force. Yes only 90% as I was always to scared to let Bear off leash even though the programs I have boost the bond with Bear so much Steve said he would be reliable, I just couldn't do it.

    I (on Steve's advice) took Bear to the local park for some training. Now I should mention that every time Bear ever seen a gate open, he would bolt and have a good ol run down the street. With me running after him...

    I let him off leash (slightly panicing) and he trotted off, I called him back and he turned on the spot, came ALL the way back. :confused:

    I released him and away he went again, I let him get further and called him back, he recalled perfectly immediately and came running.

    I was thrilled, am thrilled - over the moon! :clap:

    The walk through the park seen us come accross other dogs, people playing football (he loves to chase them and people), every time he showed any interest I simply called him and back he came every single time...

    I went home and told OH to come outside and see ( I was like a kid on Christmas morning I was so excited!). I let Bear off leash again and he just happily hung around the yard. I can walk him up and down the street in total control...

    I have since been back to the park with even better results.... I tell you how happy I am and Bear is enjoying the freedom.

    Of course the things I have been practicing are going really well too, but the recall is amazing! It is what I have been working so hard towards and I am finally there! :rofl:

    I do always take care that he is in no danger.

    Thanks Steve, your awesome! :thanks:

  9. Thank you so much to my wonderful partner Alibear... yet again you made my day. I always have such fun when your around (and can you admit now that Beans loved me more ??? :( )

    Jodi (Beans) was a wonderful, happy puppy and a pleasure to work with.

    Alright alright........She loved you more......she loved Cindy more.......she seemed to love everyone more :cry: She just put the "A.D.D" act on for me! :rofl:

    Clearly I have a long way to go to get control of other peoples dogs, but hey, at least I try! ;) (That just made me think of when you were at school and there was always that loser that was still running when a race was finished minutes ago and everyone said, "well at least he/she is trying" - tell me that isn't me! :(:rofl: )

  10. As always a fantastic day and soooo much information to digest. Thanks again Steve for an awesome day! :(

    Alibear - I am the QUEEN :):) ;)

    Honey, Gold Star to you for your fabulous training of Jodie. Your ability to get her under control was just out of this world :eek: She certainly went home much better off from your fantastic handling! :cry:

  11. Alibear, why do you say your ham bone will not be cooked? Are you cooking the ham yourself and boning it out first? If you have a ham from the shops they are cooked already as a rule.

    Hmmmmm Ok, didn't think about it that much really.

    My boss just said to me, I have a raw ham bone for Bear if you want it. That's where my question came from and my thinking stopped really! :(

  12. Feeding ham and pork to dogs is dangerous.

    Feeding tidbits of ham and pork can cause serious tummy upsets or even pancreatitis, requiring an emergency trip to the vet.

    Are you serious?

    Bear has never had a lot of ham, more cabanossi then anything, but he has never been sick from it.

    I really didn't know it was a bad thing. I remember growing up and my mum and dad putting tablets for my old dog inside peices of ham to conceal it. He was never sick either.

    What about pigs ears? Wouldn't that be the same thing? :(

  13. Hannos - I don't know what you usually feed your dogs but I'm sure my boy has eaten ham before for treats and loved it :rainbowbridge:

    I was going to ask the question today re: the bone from the christmas ham - Is that ok to give also? :(

    ETA - it won't be a cooked bone!

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