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Everything posted by divyd

  1. I agree.. My huntaway had very dry skin and was showing signs of joint problems. A fish based diet has improved her skin quality and reduced visible signs of lameness. Very happy with these results. However, I do notice EBH makes her burp more than before. My greyhound burps and farts more too lol.
  2. Wow! Thank you everyone for your advise. I'm so happy to have found support for Bonnie! Sas, I've never heard of taping for pooches. Do you have a website where I can find out more about this? YippeeGirl, I've looked into Wellness Core kibble and am certainly keen on getting Bonnie onto that! I'm going to make golden paste ASAP and will stock up on some sardines, shark cartilage and gl muscles for treats :) But overall, it seems chiro might be the way to go and swimming/hydrotherapy. I go to the chiro myself and think it is amazing so makes sense that dogs need to be realigned too.
  3. Hello all, My two year old New Zealand Huntaway (Bonnie), spent much of her life with Panosteitis. It seemed to have disappeared, but her left rear leg has been giving trouble. We could see that she was in pain and reluctant to put much weight on the leg. She would often hold it up and limp, and when standing stationery, she would be off balance. I took her to our local vet who did an x-ray and said that she has early signs of HD. I'm so sad to hear this given she is so young and loves to run around with her crazy Greyhound brother, but cannot due to the amount of pain she is in. I have a few ideas to help reduce the pain for her and would LOVE some feedback on this. 1) Bowen's massage, acupuncture, and/or chiropractic adjustments. What are your experiences with these forms of therapy? What/who do you recommend? I have read in an old forum about a woman who does acupuncture and chiro from her home in Shelley, WA. But I cannot seem to find her details to make an enquiry. 2) Bonnie has usually been on a diet of Barf and Nutro Natural Dog Biscuits. I found that neither had much nutritional content to accommodate for healthy joints (e.g. Omega 3 and 6, glucosamine, and Chondroitin). I found that Canidae large breed kibble had a pretty good amount of these, and were also grain free (it is my understanding that wheat/corn were difficult for dogs to digest and can cause inflammation in joints thereby exacerbating existing joint problems). Seeing as Bonnie loves Barf, the days she would get it, I could just supplement with Sasha's Blend Joint Health Powder or 4cyte. Does anyone have any recommendations regarding dog food for HD? 3) My vet has recommended Bonnie go on Cartrophen and she will start her first course of weekly injections very shortly. I have my reservations about having my young dog on medication like this for the rest of her life. Has anyone used Catrophen for their dogs, and what were your experiences? Sorry for such a long post. My animals are my babies and I just want to ensure they are happy and healthy.
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