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Everything posted by Jch80

  1. Good to see that this thread is up and running ☺ I am collecting our big boofy yellow Lab pup in about 6 weeks and I'm very excited! I'm able to visit the pups during this time which is making the wait a bit more bearable. Our two kids have no idea that we're getting him, we will surprise them with a 'drive to the country' one week before collection date to introduce them. Can't wait!! Our cats won't be pleased though..
  2. Another update! Have been doing more searching and thinking. Current potential names are: Nugget, Murray, Darwin, Syd (Sydney), Midas. Now are you starting to sympathise with my husband? ????
  3. Hi Jch80 Yes. Once you get the puppy home - some of the names will just not suit him at all. If you get to visit him before you bring him home - that may also help rule some of them out. Not a big fan of "Benson" - might as well call him ciggie cigarette. But it might be ok if you have a completely different story to tell when people ask why you called him that. Better than XXXX (beer) I guess. I like Darwin too - but you do realise that's an old pommie bloke with a really big beard... And don't forget to apply the "yell across the park" test. First few names for my dog failed. Eg Buckethead and Mrs Bucket - rhyme with something rude and possibly offensive if misunderstood. And Hyacinth (Mrs Bucket), you try yelling that across the park. Another name for gold - "nugget"... I know a few Aussies who have that as their nick name. There's also B1 and B2 (yellow bananas) :) What's the yellow wiggle's name? Gee it's been a while since I've been subjected to watching the wiggles so I have no idea! I really like nugget, thanks. I think I'll make a short list and when I visit the puppy I'll try to whittle it down. I've finally worn my husband down with the constant suggestions so he has said that 'as long as it's not completely ridiculous just do what you've gotta do'. ????????
  4. For those of you who talk about the puppy choosing his name, do you mean that the right name will become apparent based on what he looks like and his temperament? I have 2 kids and their names were easier to choose than this puppy's name! Top 3 at this stage are Darwin, Benson and Chester.
  5. Lol you guys are awesome. This has been my first post on the forum (first of many I'm sure) and I have not been disappointed. Currently in discussions with my hubbie over 'Darwin'..
  6. There are so many great suggestions here. It's taking quite a bit if convincing to get my hubbie on board with the Aussie names though ???? I think he likes the more human sounding names (Benson, Stan, Rigby).. He did like Cobber though. May have to compromise.. For what it's worth, Jarrah is my favourite ❤
  7. Oh my goodness thank you everyone, there are some awesome names here! How am I going to choose!?? Keep them coming. I'll update on an eventual choice ????
  8. Hi all, I'm bringing home a beautiful boofy yellow male Lab puppy in 7 weeks. I'd like some suggestions for a great name, preferably with Australian background/association but not essential. In return for suggestions I promise to post pictures when he arrives! Thanks ☺
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