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Everything posted by missymac

  1. After puppy classes we took a terms break and have just started beginners with our two 10 month goldies, and I find it soooo tiring. Last night we let them out in the free run for about 15 mins before class and Savanna was still sooooo hypo! Whenever we stop to listen to the instructor she spends the whole time pulling to either sniff or say hello to the other dogs despite me continually calling her back to my side and having her sit down, she's getting quite strong too! I find by the end of the class I'm exhausted! She's good at free walking though, hardly pulls at all. I'm pretty happy with her progress, but I find my patience wears a little thin when I start to get tired. Does anyone else find it tiring?
  2. My 13 week old golden retriever has had two baths so far, the first one she tried to climb out of the sink, the second time mum bathed her for me and said she just lay there and enjoyed the warm water (I'm still not sure if this was just because she was exhausted from a big day). She's pretty good when I brush her most of the time, sometimes she thinks it's a game and tries to steal the brush off me. It would probably be a good idea to take her to a groomer now so she can get used to being handled by someone else shouldn't I? So, who of you groomers are in canberra and would like to groom a golden pup?
  3. You're a champ kitkat, this has turned into quite a big job for you
  4. So canberra people, what vet do you go to and why? Convenience? your dog gets a jelly been for being good? reasonable price? they actually know what they are doing!? Am I allowed to ask this on here? Pls PM me if it's not appropriate to post. I am actually asking to get an idea of where to go.
  5. This is what I told my husband when I was explaining that I disagreed. I said a puppy is like a baby, do you punish a baby because it can't go to the toilet to relieve itself?
  6. Saltwood, I will keep your method in mind when my pup arrives.
  7. that is so sad. I'm at work and had to hold back the tears, as you said we live in a world where some people just don't understand our love for our dogs. My husband included, he seriously just doesn't get, I'm hoping that when we get our little baby he will understand why I love my old border collie (we live with my parents so he's kinda not mine anymore) even though he has started to go insane.
  8. I think it shows how uneducated a lot of people are when they buy dogs. My grandma used to breed goldies so she would have used the old fashioned way. My mum hasn't house trained her own dog so she thought you still did it the old way, I quickly corrected her saying that dogs aren't trained that way anymore. I haven't got my pup yet so haven't actually personally had experience house training a dog. Plus I was worried that it was kind of like telling someone else how they should raise their kids.
  9. Last night we had some friends over. I mentioned to them that we are getting a puppy soon. I know the old fashioned method of house training was that if your puppy made a mess you rub their nose in it and smack them and send them outside. I don't know if anyone on here still does that but from what I've read surfing the net while doing my research for my new pup we're encouraged to instead ignore mistakes (but prefer to avoid them happening of course), and give praise when the pup goes in the spot that we're trying to teach them to use. Anyway, the couple that was over have a little dog (don't know what it is, came from a petshop), we were talking about when I get a pup and the guy said make sure you discipline them, if Molly went toilet inside I'd rub her nose in it give her a smack and stick her out. I didn't want to say anything at the time but I disagreed because every website I'd read on house training encourage the opposite (giving praise for correct actions instead of growling for incorrect actions). So anyway, I was just after opinions and what worked for you.
  10. Hi, could I please have 2. Thanks
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