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Everything posted by squeak

  1. Could you PM me the name, or at least the location of your vet?
  2. Apparently the "new" theory with resource guarding is not to remove food, but frequently approach the dog whilst eating and place something of either greater value in their bowl. This is meant for the dogs to see approach=yummy stuff, so if they do get approached whilst eating, they are less likely to guard as they are expecting something good.
  3. Rules only seem to state a minimum lead length (750mm) - pg 15
  4. http://www.ankc.org.au/home/inner.asp?pageid=70&mainid=2
  5. I did the course last year and loved it. Peta Clarke is a brilliant presenter - very knowledgeable but still very down to earth. I had an absolute blast! Even if you're not interested in getting your dog on TV (and a lot of us who did the course last year weren't) it is still a very interesting day. I did the course because I was interested in different training methods and wasn't disappointed (though the course is positive methods only). The theory night (Thurs) was excellent. Explained how dogs learn and introduced the concepts of operant conditioning in an easy to understand way - but kept at a very basic level. Though having said that, anyone who wants more knowledge on operant conditioning, I would point them toward the 2 day "Animal Training" course - also run by Peta Clarke.
  6. Thought that there may be a few people who don't visit general who might be interested in this... http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=160944
  7. Not sure, but have a look at thyroid, addisons and cushings diseases - could be way off track though.
  8. Yes, they allow check chains, however they do NOT allow physical corrections to be used in the ring. I have seen a team dismissed from the ring when the owner corrected the dog... they were in the ring for less than 2 minutes!
  9. Good on you for taking him to the vet, and good on the vet for listening. You probably already know about this website, but I'll post it anyway... http://www.addisondogs.com/
  10. I was hoping that you would follow-up with her, so she doesn't feel "left out in the cold" - very professional of you. I wish I had someone to "hold my hand" when we were looking for a dog - would have made it soooo much easier. We were lucky that we ended up with the right dogs for us, but it would have been nice to have a second opinion.
  11. I believe that this is entirely up to the judge. Last trial I watched, dog from another ring interferred with a dog in a down-stay (which broke). Judge allowed the team to redo the stays as part of the next group, but I was told that there was no obligation for the judge to do this.
  12. I would also be very interested in hearing from more experienced triallers on this. I guess that my feeling is clouded (for want of a better word) from what I have seen at trials that I have watched... that is that it initially appears to be a "friendly chat" but often suddenly turns nasty. I cannot not help but think that this might have something to do with the dog maintaining the stay not being able to use "normal" doggy language to diffuse the situation - it feels vunerable, so tells the other dog off by growling/snarling and it escalates from there. Then again, I have also seen a dog fight outside of the ring. Dog was tethered next to its owner and relaxing. Another dog and its owner walked through its "territory" and the fight began. It was a good lesson for me to never assume that dogs at trials are "safe", just because they are well-trained.
  13. No, and I'm not sure I would want to. To me, it is all well and good when you know the other dog, but in the ring, it is going to be very likely that I don't know the other dogs - they might be friendly and want to say "hello", or they might be spoiling for a fight. If my dog is in a down-stay and another dog is in its face, I don't think I would expect (or want) my dog to hold the down-stay as it is in a very vunerable position. For me, this would be the one time I would WANT my dog to break the stay... and return to me. Now, my question (sorry RubyStar) is does anyone train for this???
  14. I looove your challenges and will try this one later. I have a prediction for my dogs - one will stay put (she's lazy and doesn't like moving), the other we are still working on building duration/distance, so I am almost certain that he would break on this. Any chance you want to start a thread and post weekly challenges for everyone.... pleeeaase? I think it would make everyone really think about their training & proofing.
  15. I haven't yet as we're not quite ready, but it will definitely be something I will be doing. I will also be finding someone who's dog can dog change of positions on signals only, and getting them to do that next to my dog, whilst my dog holds its stay. Will also be looking at getting someone to do a recall with their dog next to mine, whilst my dog holds its stay... just have to get my dog to that level first. My biggest worry, which is something that I know I will need to proof, proof, proof, is my dog wanting to go and investigate the judge when they start walking back and forth along the line :rolleyes:
  16. Thank you very much for explaining that - something that I definitely didn't know. If I use proban, can I still use revolution?
  17. You might also want to have a look at Chemist Warehouse (no, I don't work for them!) - they sell 1000mg compared to 1200mg, but might be worth a look for prices. link
  18. Not sure what you mean by environmentally friendly? Cenovis do an "eco fish oil" which from memory is meant to be environmentally friendly, in regards to fishing methods. It is also available at Chemist Warehouse, but more expensive than other fish oils. Cenovis website - eco fish oil Linky
  19. For those who use fish oil tablets, Chemist Warehouse usually have excellent prices. They currently have excellent prices on fish oil tablets. These are the ones I bought last time $14.99 for 400 capsules. Linky
  20. If you are concerned about what products you use on your dogs you need to be aware that Probans ingredient is Cythioate which is an organophosphate, also be very careful what other chemicals you use on your animal when using this pesticide. Are you able to explain further?
  21. Am I the only one who would love to see a photo of toller coloured pants?!
  22. Newbie back again.... thank you for being kind Thinking more about the stays (it was early morning & lack of sleep when I answered). If I thought it was a case of "anticipation" or the dog becoming used to the sequence of sit stays first, then down stays, and downing because that's what we always do next, I would try to mix it up with the group stays in training - down stays first then sit stays... or down stays only one day then sit stays the next. If I failed the ring work, I would probably pull my dog out of the stays, particularly if it was one of my first, or early trials. My dog has proven to me that for whatever reason (poor handling, lack of proofing, etc) that we need to do more work in training. I don't think that I have the right to risk someone elses possibly qualification because my dog is "iffy" and breaks from the stays - not exactly setting my dog up for success either. However, in this case, when I approached the judge/steward to withdraw, I would make it clear that I would make myself available to make up numbers if needed, PROVIDED that I can leave my dog on lead and stay with my dog (I believe that my dog would be less likely to break a stay in this situation and I still get the ring experience of group stays without putting other dogs at risk).
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