hi all, our JRT pup Yoshi is 2 and a bit years old and I have always noticed that his fangs/incisors/canines (whatever the sharp front teeth are called) have been quite blunt from a young age. It isn't until I really looked at them closely recently that I notice there are small dots of brown/yellow in the middle of them where, I'm assuming, the enamel has worn away to expose something. It is quite pronounced on his bottom left fang in particular. It looks as if the tips of all four fangs have had their tips 'chopped off'. Is this common at all or something I should be worried about? As far as I know he has never chewed on anything odd that a regular puppy wouldn't chew on - nothing metal etc and I have never seen him chew on stones.
As you can see in pic 1 all four main fangs are slightly blunt, with the lower left one being more so than the others. Had a bit of trouble getting his mouth open, he wasn't in the mood for an in-mouth photo opp!
in pic 2 is more of a close up of the lower left where you can make out the dot/discolouring in the middle of the tooth. He doesn't seem to show any signs of pain or discomfort when chewing on toys or when I place a finger on the tip of the tooth and push down or tap it.
He is due for annual vaccination in the next fortnight so I will get the vet to take a look but just thought I'd post here to see if anyone had any feedback. The vet has had a quick look in his mouth in the past and hasn't mentioned anything about it so I haven't really worried about it until now.
His teeth are quite good and clean all round although they could probably do with a bit of a scrub soon.
Anyway thanks for reading