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  1. Hi everyone, this is my first time posting on here and I didn't know where else to post or ask. I hope this is okay to post here. My brothers dog is aggressive and fearful of other people. We are working on it but he needs his nails trimmed desperately. We can't do it ourselves, every time we touch his feet he goes into a craze. He's 45kg, so it's quite hard to just pin him down and do it. We've tried so many different things but we have come to the conclusion he needs to be sedated to get them done. Maybe we don't, maybe some of you have an idea of what to do? Or how we can deal with taking him to the vet? We are from Melbourne so maybe someone could recommend a vet that would be good at dealing with this? We took him to The Lost Dogs Home to be desexed as a puppy and that wasn't a good experience for him, so I really don't know how he's going to go with any vet. TIA
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