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Everything posted by Stormy

  1. Being this desperate for sleep, I'd be using Ace just for a few nights to reclaim some sleep for yourself, it may also help him sleep through in the process. Just a thought :rolleyes:
  2. Sunday 3rd is Fathers day, so that counts us out. Next time
  3. Stormy


    Sorry to hear that you have had another go to Rainbow Bridge :p Falling asleep infront of a nice warm fire, I can't think of a more peaceful way to go (though I know that no time is really a good time ) Sweet Dreams Martha :p
  4. I'm contemplating concrete booties for Storm :rolleyes: but like you say the reward of food (that he steals) seems to over ride the discipline I hand out ;)
  5. I'll just be bringing Storm and Penny today
  6. I just found this post........ Oh Rozzie, I knew he wasn't young, but I can't believe just how upset I feel that he has actually gone! I can't thank you both enough for giving this boy such a wonderful life for the time he lived with you. He was such an amazing little man considering his adventures in his 16 years. What a peaceful way to go, and now he will go and join his owner that has gone before him, and I'm sure that she too is so grateful of the care you gave her precious boy, till it was time for them to meet again. A big heartfelt hug to you and Mr Rozzie for all the love and care you put into Keera, and I know that you just loved him for who he was. RIP little Keera (my Bungee boy)
  7. The 2nd it is But I got the Sunday part right
  8. I do believe that it's Sunday the 2nd (or that should read I'm hoping that it's the Sunday!) edited cause I didn't look at the date
  9. Yay for Apollo juice, doesn't it just give you that warm fuzzy feeling see your money pee'd up against a wall Hey, maybe you should be bottling it :D :D
  10. Glad to hear he's on the road to recovery Wishing Apollo and your bank balance a speedy recovery
  11. I equate off leash dog parks to childrens' playgrounds. I wouldn't expect to take my kids to the park and then have them sit next to me and not go and play. Just like when I go to an off leash park, it's so my dogs can have down time and behave like dogs having fun - off lead. I would not let my dogs off lead if I thought that they were a risk to the other dogs (just like I wouldn't let my children hurt other children playing in the park). I would expect the same from other parents and dog owners. It's called parental (yes, for dogs and children) responsibility. Simple. Oh, and my whippets do not have 100% recall , it just depends on how much fun they are having
  12. Sounds great :D Storms always up for a run and I'm always in for doggie cuddles (and getting my Dane fix!) MellG - can't wait to meet your beautiful am staff pup in the flesh puppy breath yay
  13. Pampa, I too have only just found this thread !! OMG :D How awful!!!!! So glad that she looks like making a complete recovery. Sending prayers your way that it's all smooth sailing from here. Thinking of you and your beautiful girl :D ;) :D
  14. I used Rimadyl for my Irish Wolfhound X when she was 14 as she too was very stiff in the joints and had a lot of problems with her mobility. I suppose for me it was knowing that she wasn't going to get any younger, and I just wanted her to be as comforatble as possible for the time she did have left (we knew that we weren't talking years here). It made a huge difference to her quality of life, but I really don't know if it hastened her death as she died of a stroke at the age of 15 years and 7 months. If I had my time over with Harley, I would still have given it to her in her circumstances. I don't believe that there is much to worry about a short term trial, and maybe see if it's really making a huge difference or not. Tough call, but at the end of the day go with your gut feel, as for each case it's different, and you know your girl best. Good Luck
  15. Jane, I know that Barney's paw prints will be on your heart forever, just as I know you were Barney's saving grace as he got the chance to experience being truly loved. :D Run free Barney Thinking of you Jane... Diana
  16. I know that there is nothing that can be said to make it any easier for you or your family at this time, it's a very difficult thing to face. It's always hard for those that are left behind, as we are the ones that face the loss, whereas those that go over rainbow bridge are the ones, who, at this stage of their lives, are blessed with relief from all their aches and pains. I had always hoped that my fur babies would have passed away in their sleep so I would not have had to make that decision, but in the last 10 months I've had to give wings to two of my fur babies (one 16 and one 15 1/2). For me, I like to think that I will again see my loved ones (fur and skin alike) again, when my time come to cross that bridge. I know that the reason that their passing has caused me so much grief is because that they showed me so much love, and if you've never experienced great love then you will never experience great loss. In a warped way I suppose that I count my blessings that I feel pain, as therefore it means I have known great love Thinking of you, Stormy
  17. Harley, I have so much to thank you for old girl. XXXOOO "Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold, Her early leaf's a flower, But only so an hour. Then leaf subside to leaf, So Eden sank to grief, So down goes down today, Nothing gold can stay" Robert Frost
  18. Stormy


    Angel, In six big sleeps you were coming to our house. We have been so excited and so pleased that we had been given the opportunity to show you how life should be lived by a girl of your age. Lots of cuddles, bed and lounges to sleep on, what ever your heart desired to eat, walks and constant companionship. We just wanted to you to be happy. We got the news not long ago that you have been given your wings, and I can't begin to tell how devestated we are.We will never get to show you our love for you, and spoil you as you deserve. I breaks my heart that I will never even get to cuddle and snuggle up with you, and I have so been looking forward to that. Fly and be free Angel, stretch those long legs of yours, find a shady spot under the trees by the creek, smell the grass and feel the warm breeze on your face. You're Free. To everyone that was involved with the rescue of Angel and the other 35 greyhounds, a huge thankyou. I know that Angel wasn't alone when she went and that she was surrounded by your love. Thank You. Angel (my daughters picked the name, and I was just waiting to meet her in the flesh to see if it suited her Angel she is) was to be desexed today, but the vet found some cancerous lumps, and on further investigation found it had spread to her lungs. Desexing was no longer an option and it was decided that it would be kinder to give her her wings. ;)
  19. Harley, my 15 yr old Irish Wolfhound X has been on Rimadyl for nearly a year now (200mg a day as she is a 50 kg girl). Only a couple of months ago we switched to Carprofen due to cost. I was made aware of the risks through a friend after we had started her on Rimadyl, but in Harleys case it seems to be doing more good than harm. After all, if we were planning on ending her life, let me tell you that there are cheaper ways of doing it!!! Though I do belive that, just like people, some dogs respond the some medication better than others........... IMHO it is improving the quality of Harleys life, so we will continue with it till the green pastures call her home.
  20. Wow, after finally making it to the (so far) end of this thread, I feel compelled to add my opinion (sorry folks!). Electronic collars...? Bring em on..! I've had a Rhodesian Ridge X and an Irish wolf X that would have escaped from Alcatraz. My Ridge would either go through or under any fencing and my 50 kg Irish would sail over a 7 foot fence in the blink of an eye. More often than not I would have to come home from work to go looking for my boys (so I could take them for their hour run! ), wondering just what they had got up to? how long they had been out? would I find them? And yes, my yard was securely fenced. Ridge just ate the fence (did I mention that it was new and not some half rotted falling down one...?)) and my Irish was greatful that I added the lattice on top of the 7 foot fence as she was able to get a better foot hold). And this was in my own house! I tried leaving them in the house (just love that minimilist look...), though my Ridge did go through the lounge room window when my neighbours dog came into our yard......but that's another story...(very messy ;) ). As for renting. Ha!. The only places that would let me rent with dogs were absolute dumps. Choosing a better rental, you surely jest...?! If only I'd had a portable containment fence...what a god send that would have been. I love my dogs dearly (My Ridge died at the ripe old age of 16 this Jan and my 15 year old Irish is still with me (though can no longer jump over an ant, let alone a fence)). I tried every thing in the book. If i chained / caged my dogs up they would bark (had a lovely neighbour shoot my Ridge with and air rifle once). Tried training but had to leave as my Ridge (once again - can you tell he was my real problem child...?!) tried to eat his class mates. I would run with them for at least an hour down the fire trial every night, they had each other for company and when I was home they considered it their right to sit in my lap, together, for cuddles. I would and did do anything for my boys. They even had their own double bed with pillows and blankets (lest they steal mine!). But nothing I tried kept them from wandering (and yes they were both desexed). Yes I could have kept them chained / caged but to me that was cruel (especially when you have a neighbour armed with a gun and the dogs tied up like sitting ducks). I have friends who use these collars, I've spoken to vets and to trainers and YES I would use one (and may still do with future dogs). I was very lucky that nothing happened to my boys, or BY my boys when they were out, damn lucky. I wouldn't play it to chance again. The peace of mind of knowing that they would have been home to meet me everytime, would have been priceless. Bar amputating their legs (or giving them concrete booties) .... it could have saved A LOT of problems, hairy moments, worry, frustration, anger, time, not to mention money.... Electronic collars cruel...? No way! I've already warned my children that I'm waiting for them to bring out a childrens model...except for them I would be after the remote one, just think no more yelling in the car, no more having to call them 10 times, no more backchat, etc ... one zap and that's that!
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