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Everything posted by Stormy

  1. I thought he spruced up really well I didn't even take the paper bag I was planning to when I dropped him off on tpt Well I was contemplating leaving those "Johnny" eyebrows on, but then thought better of it. The girls are convinced that we should shave everything that steps through our door and I can tell you the whippys are thanking their lucky stars that they already have an exceptionally short coat T'was not I (or anyone else here on DOL ;) ). But he now feels so cuddly, so much so that none of us could resist the urge to constantly touch him. Re the sun screen, this boy ain't gonna see the light of day for three days (loooong road trip), and then he will blend in with the pack of mutants already there Can you pick him in a line up............? (I'm thinking I need a bigger lounge)
  2. Strange looking, yes, miserable, no He is such an affectionate boy and is curled up in my lap as I type just doesn't like having his photo taken (with or without hair )
  3. Sorry , it's taken me a bit longer than i thought to update this thread, but here we go....... Uncle Fester before........ and Uncle Fester after............. Now I'm trying to think of a new name for him as he's way too cute for an Uncle Fester
  4. Thanks you Peachie and Shmoo for both your wonderful offers Uncle Fester should have a "new" look (notice I didn't say better ) look by the end of today, so I hope to have some pics up tomorrow of the New Uncle Fester nellybly10 - Some of these pups sold really quick at $1200 a pop :D :D but the last ones remaining actually have large bald patches and normal fur..... :D and don't look very attractive at all, even for puppies. I feel so sorry for them :D
  5. dogmad - thought he might have been right up your alley Peachie - Thanks for your very kind offer, but I'm hoping to get him done today or tomorrow as his eyes and nose are just getting really gunky (he's on meds but it's just taking a while) and the fur is sticking in his eyes / nose Even though he's a rescue I would still like to pay I will try the local groomers and see how we go, or should I say I'll post the results
  6. Thanks all for the replies CavsRcute & morgan - I will try the places you've given me Shmoo - Thanks for your kind offer I'll see how I go locally and let you know. I don't know what he's like to clip as he's just out of Renbury and I'm not sure if he's ever been done in the past Nadia - Which is why I want to take him to a proper groomer He's straight out of Renbury and wasn't chipped. From what I can gather all breeders worth their salt, chip their dogs before going to theirr new homes. So all I can guess is that he didn't come from a registered breeder. He also could quite possible be a X. At our local PP they have had in the past month a couple of Chinese Crested (hairless) x Malteses and Cresty X Shih Tzus - which, to varying degrees, looked like crested...... The lady who runs the rescue group that is taking him has Chinese cresteds (Hariless and powder puffs) so I know he'll be going into good hands The mutant above, that has the reindeer ears, is ours (Nemo) which is why I figured that Uncle Fester may be able to improve his looks with a better cut. Hesapandabear - I'll send her a Pm and see what area she covers, Thanks
  7. Seriously though I would love a recommendation for a good groomer because this boy is getting done. So far my only option is my local vets, who just use a straight blade (can't remember what number) all over, nothing techinical, but I would really prefer to have him done in the nicest possible fashion.
  8. If he is sparsely coated all over, he could well be a hairy hairless, that is he is genetically hairless but is very hairy. What is his dentition like? Doe he have a "normal looking mouth" or does he have strange looking teeth and forward pointing canines? Powderpuffs have normal dog dentition, hairless have "odd" teeth. Uncle Fester would be lucky to have eight teeth in his mouth They look like baby teeth, but at around five years old, aren't.
  9. He's been bathed twice so far in the last six days, as he just stinks of urine Re the balding, as such, is permanent (he's been to the vets for a check up) True it's not quite like a crested ;) ......but he has a VERY thin coat all over..... I've never seen a Powder Puff in the flesh, so maybe he's one instead. I figured by giving him a new "do" he'd look a lot tidier and would help keep his legs and face clean. He's currently with us till his eyes and nose clear up, then he's got a seat on tpt to his rescue group, then on, hopefully, to his forever home.
  10. Don't know if the camera will survive........... ;) Don't say you weren't warned............. Smiling for the camera Side shot Should have called him "Monk" And as a comparison, a REAL Cresty :p :p .........
  11. I have a Chinese Crested or Powder Puff male that's really scraping the bottom of the barrel in the looks department..... Due to an eye and nose infection (which he's currently being treated for) the fur on his face needs to be clipped back, and the fact that he manages to wee on the feathering on his front legs ;) means I've decided that it's probably in his best interest to be clipped all over. This boy also has a huge bald spot across his head (naturally occuring ie like a Cresty) :p Can anyone recommend someone "talented" that could possibly transform Uncle Fester into Keanu Reeves .....? Someone close to Hornsby would be preferable Oh, I should add that he's a rescue (not ours) in dire need of a "make over" to enhance his adoption chances......
  12. So sorry peibe Another Star has joined the constellations.... nor wonder the night sky shines as brightly as it does. Run free Elle-Belle
  13. Oh no Paula, I'm so sorry big hugs to you and Harry After the terrible life she had had, I'm so happy for Shadow that she got to spend her remaining time here with you both, as it was Heaven on earth for her. RIP Shadow run wild and run free....
  14. Oh no, how tragic to go so young Warley, Xcel and Luci, so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy Pyro. RIP Pyro
  15. I don't know how all of you manage to read the posts in Rainbow Bridge, I know when I do, I always end up in tears (and that's for the dogs I don't even know ) We will be collecting Beau's ashes early next week, and I'm planning on scattering half up at dog park, because he used to love going there (even though he never ran around, he just used to love to walk up to all the people there and get lots of attention -smart boy!), and then the other half we are going to scattered around a tree we plan on planting for him out the front in our new "garden" (I use the term loosely as it's just rocks and dirt atm ). We have washed Beau's dish for the last time and stored it in the cupboard, same with his coats. His lead sits all alone when we take the others out for their walk. I still can't believe that he's gone.... Trisven - I'm more than happy to share the leg lifting as well as any cuddles :D dogmad - you're right, he was such a happy soul. Even though Storm and Penny are younger, neither wag their tail at the same frenzied pace as Beau did when he was saying "Hello" Rozzie - I take my hat off and to you and Mr R for taking in all the oldies - Beau was my first and it broke my heart Kamuzz - is so true yet so hard. The original poems must have been really touching (and probably a real tear jerker )And to everyone else also...... :D for all you kind words Thank Heavens for DOL because my "other" friends think Beau was only just a dog......
  16. Sorry everyone for my blubbering..... I had only just woken up (when I posted last) and came down stairs to only see three faces looking at me, and so started the feelings of self pity and misery Plus I think I'm feeling guilty as now my daily life (not to mention sleeping too) has now become easier.... I know that Beau is now not feeling the severe stress and fear that he was with the seperation anxiety, and his spirit can now soar where his body couldn't take him. I wonder (many times) why I actually own dogs, as I cope so poorly when their time comes I've come to the conclussion that when I meet Beau next, if he doesn't lift his leg on me, I will know that I've done allright *note I don't normally sleep in that late, just catching up from the last couple of weeks tending to Beau's night terrors
  17. Thanks all..... Even though he wasn't well, was undoubtly old, and I'd only had him for 18 months, I feel shattered. Until recently, he was the calm and dignity amongst my lot. When we came home, his tail was always the fastest to wag, and even though he was aged, he used to skip about like a lamb in his welcome home dance. Beau had dementia and started recently again with the severve separation anxiety (even though he had the other dogs with him). We had him on clomicalm and Ace, due to the severe state of distress he would get into when we went out. He also started to get "lost" in our house and then cry in a really destressing manner till we came to him, to guide him back to their doggy lounge. I hadn't planned on having him PTS yesterday as I was looking that get some blood tests done to see if they could find something as a cause for all this, but when the vet checked him over his recommendation was to give Beau his wings. Beau was surrounded my my two daughters and myself, and we cradled his little body and told him how loved he was as he slipped away. While they were doing it I wanted to beg them to stop, but it was too late. (I have nothing but praise for my vets and their staff for putting up with me ) I truely hope that there is a heaven and that he's now there.
  18. Dear Beau, it was so hard to let you go today. I truely hope that angels will, from now on, guide your feet and that you will find it in your heart to forgive me. RIP beautiful Beau *photo curtesy of Jaqu
  19. My three whippets (2, 6 and 13) are on this and all are loving it.
  20. jaybeece - Your boy looks fit and healthy to me (and what a nice loking boy he is ). Certainly not underweight. Shmoo - That boy looks like he could anchor the Titanic
  21. How heart breaking for them RIP Sheema
  22. Ditto OMG! Surely this is not normally done
  23. Storm (whippet) and Nemo (Chinese Crested) both love cicada's, it's just not nice when they crunch them with in ear shot and they also munch only any beetles that fly in the doors at night, though the children and I do try and save them, but the dogs are sometimes quicker and can do amazing aerial acrobatics
  24. Peibe just saw this thread..... RIP Stella and Bertha and big to you peibe. You did what you could for these two girls and now you have given them one of the hardest things to give, and that's their release to a better place where their health will never fail them. Run free girls.....
  25. On me or the dog??? Give the dog Ace and have yourself a couple of nice glasses of red :D
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