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Everything posted by tigerlilly

  1. We only paid 75.00 from the AWL for our doggie :rolleyes: AWL was the cheapest we found and they did a great job
  2. try a Kong with somthing in side your pup will like.. we have the red kong and it works wonders for ours. They go nuts trying to get the good food out. !
  3. i would say that it may be time to have the teeth taken out. My dog (when was a pup) pup teeth would not fall out. Had 3 rows of croocked teeth.So went to the vet and had 24 teeth removedin total. Asked the breeder if any of the siblings had the same issue and none of them did. Go figure I would get thepup that would need the extra attention cost me 280.00 I believe it was.
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