My 2yo dog has had a lump removed from near her eye. It came back even closer to her eye within 8 weeks, I then had this one removed for testing, which was a little inconclusive, it showed that it wasn't malignant but did not conclude that it was viral, however one week later she had another one a little closer to her eye and two weeks after that another appeared on the stitch line. These things grow rapidly, to approximately 5mm in three weeks. She also has a few in her mouth, approx 8mm to date. This has lead the vet to believe it to be papilloma virus. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with these? I am concerned that if this thing grows too large it will hamper her eyesight and be difficult to live with but I cant keep having them removed as we will run out of skin to remove. Also they are getting closer to her eye. Any suggestions/similar experiences/magical remedies?