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  1. Yep, we got 2 and both have since died. One needed some adjustments just to get it to work the first time. Then worked for a few weeks and died. The second last a little longer and also died. Same as you, red light flashing, no bell, no food. I pulled them apart and cleaned them and played with the mechanism's to see if that would work and nothing did. So they both got turfed. Thanks, I thought that may have been the case. I have sent the distributor and email to see if they can help. Will post a reply if I get one!
  2. I have had a Foobler for around 2 months now and it has stopped working and instead of the light flashing green it is now flashing red. I have tried the remedy suggested on the Foobler site, i.e.; change the batteries and to give it a wash in-case there was some kibble jammed in the system but to no avail, I have also held the button for 2 seconds to reset it but all this has failed to fix it. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
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