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Posts posted by DaveyCC

  1. Well we have had good success the past couple of days with feeding them both together :) I've been putting their bowls about a metre apart and then standing and watching to make sure there is no food stealing... Polly is a piggy and will often try to steal Davey's food but she responds well to a firm NO and returns to her own bowl lol.

    I've also cut down Davey's dry food to approx 1/2 cup per day split over 2 meals plus his beef mince and that seems to be a good amount for him with not too many leftovers.

    flame ryder - Davey is quite lean also with long legs, but a fusspot when it comes to food :)

  2. Yes they are both Chinese Crested powderpuff, he weighs 7.9kg but is definitely not overweight at all? In fact I was worried that he was a bit skinny!

    When I feed him I give him approx 1 cup black hawk kibble and some beef mince, maybe equivalent to about half the size of my palm. He usually eats all of the mince, and about 1/3 - 1/2 of the kibble. But then the kibble is still there for his next meal where he will eat the rest... so maybe 1 cup in total over the course of the day. Is that too much for an adult chinese crested? Maybe I'm giving too much mince?

    Polly is only 1.6kg so has teeny amounts per meal, but eats all (or most) of each meal

    Scottsmum - in the past I've had dogs that will eat non-stop even if they're full so I guess it's strange for me having a dog that is not that interested in food too lol. Even finding a training treat that he is interested in is tough, unless its polish sausage... he loves that ;)

  3. Thanks for the input everyone :)

    I've taken on your advice, I've started feeding them together but putting their bowls about 2m apart and then standing in between them and watching them. Polly aka Miss Piggy has been eating hers and then turns her attention to his bowl but I've been redirecting her and telling her NO and she did listen and stop this morning. Meanwhile Davey the fusspot still only eats half and then stands there looking bewildered. Then I've been taking the bowls away and putting them on the benchtop in the laundry until the next meal.

    Airdaler - yes Polly is still having 3 meals a day, Davey has breakfast and dinner only :)

  4. Hi guys,

    Our new puppy came to us last week and is now 9 weeks old (Polly). I also have a slightly older dog who is 1y3m (Davey). Both are the same breed (Chinese Crested Powderpuff).

    They both have Black Hawk dog food, Polly obviously has the puppy food and Davey has the adult food. Plus they have raw beef mince with their kibble.

    Anyway at meal times I have been putting their food into their bowls and giving it to them in separate rooms - Davey gets his first in the laundry, Polly next in the bathroom. The problem I'm having is that Polly will eat a tiny amount and then lose interest or concentration and wander away. I have to keep putting her back in front of her bowl to eat. She seems to want to be wherever Davey is and follows him. She then goes and eats his food, and he will just stand back and let her.

    I've tried feeding Polly in her crate, but she cries and jumps around so much and the food goes everywhere and she eats nothing.

    Davey has never been a big eater anyway, he isn't a very food focused dog and I'm worried that he isn't getting enough.

    So, after that long story - is it better to keep both food bowls out and let them both graze throughout the day even if the puppy is not specifically eating her puppy food and eating his instead? Or should I persist with taking the bowls away once they've finished (even if they have hardly eaten) and not putting them out again until the next meal?

    Or is there some other solution? I've never had a puppy this young before with an older dog around so haven't had this issue of food sharing/swapping.


  5. Hi guys,

    I've never posted in here before but I'm hoping someone can help me out :)

    I have just brought home a new puppy, she is an 8 week old chinese crested powderpuff called Pollyanna. She is still adjusting to her new home and is understandably a bit unsure about things, but is quite terrified of the vacuum cleaner! I have a birman cat who drops a tonne of hair so I have to vacuum daily, sometimes twice daily so this is something I'd like her to get used to without being scared. I've tried carrying her in one arm while vacuuming but she shakes uncontrollably with fear :( Does anybody have any tips on how to desensitise her to the vacuum?

    I have an older powderpuff too, he is 1 year 4 months and he has never had any issues with the vacuum although he was 4 months old before I brought him home so a bit older.



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