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Everything posted by inthedoghouse

  1. No no, not thinking of a high level jolt. How is me mentioning my source unfair trading? If I had mentioned after you asked if you would like to know my source would you have still considered it to be so? Do you consider yourself openly bad mouthing the organisations mentioned as unfair trading? Grow up. I have looked over your posts on the link and I do not find your own answers to be credible. I had one real response regarding redirected aggression (or simply stating it so), the rest is another push towards accepting the shock collars. I'm done here thankyou.
  2. Nope, no reason to lie. I have an article in front of me from the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors stating the same thing, however I believe it was written in the UK so perhaps this is where the confusion occurs. It does refer to incorrect use and inexperienced users, which is why I had to stress I was not casting stones.
  3. Hi there, long time reader, first time poster. I come across this forum a lot in google searches I'll admitt I haven't read through this whole post so I hope it hasn't already been mentioned. I don't want to continue an arguement for or against here... but I have heard from a veterinary behaviourist about 2 cases where an electric shock collar has caused interdog aggression or aggression towards another person. In brief, case 1. Dog barks, gets zapped and attacks dog next to it as a result. Case 2, dog barks, gets zapped, goes after child. What are people's thoughts on this? That it could be possible that in some cases an electric collar is not suitable as it could lead to aggression toward what it associates with the collar.
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