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Posts posted by Cosmolo

  1. Yep, shaped it with the other two without issue. Its not that i think the movement is causing pain, but more that he thinks it might and doesn't think to offer it. I think Staranais might be on the money- will do some other HE work and then come back. I just wanted some other perspectives- i am a bit precious about this boy and was a bit concerned today when i saw how he seemed to struggle with it. Your probably right though and it has nothing to do with his joints- paranoid owner! :laugh:

  2. I was shaping with one of my dogs today and noticed something interesting. We have been doing walking backwards and today was his 4th session with that exercise. He is pretty much at the same point he was in the first session and i am wondering if he is trying to tell me something.

    The dog in question has HD and ED and although he lures backwards just fine, i am wondering if something in his brain/ thought process prevents him from actually offering me a back up through shaping because of his joints. I don't believe its actually painful for him to back up as there is no discomfort evident when luring him back though. He does not enjoy shaping this exercise anywhere near as much as any other exercises although he hasn't done heaps of shaping. I don't want to turn him off shaping by persisting with this exercise.

    Would you-

    - persist with shaping the back up

    - abandon the back up completely

    - abandon the back up for now, shape some other movements and then try the back up again

    My first thought is number two- especially given its not like i need him to do it but i did wonder about option 3 as well.

  3. Only use what you are comfortable with- particularly for an exercise like this where its not the end of the world if it takes a long time or if the dog is never reliable. :p I use some aversives in training- for things like a recall (if needed) but can't imagine a situation where i would use an ear pinch. A gentle touch or hold on the dogs muzzle i would consider in some situations in addition to shaping.

    Have you introduced a release word/ cue to give up the dumbell? Does he play tug at all (with another toy)?

  4. What Erny said. If you have a dog that will spit roast meat across the floor with a tablet as my dog will, i wouldn't keep trying to hide the tablets in varying foods- we did that and have now ended up with a dog that is quite suspicious with regards to taking food from us, eating meals etc. Instead, we did a fair bit of open mouth, deliver tablet, reward with food and opening his mouth to give him food a few times. Before we did this, 2 people needed to hold him and he would stress- frothing at the mouth etc- which was awful. Much better now though!

  5. The risk reward ratio is simply not worth it. I will never understand people who have theur dogs off lead trotting next to them/ infront of them in on lead areas. Why NOT have them on a lead?

    I have 5 dogs. 2 of them could be like those dogs who trot along next to their owners without a lead. But i NEVER do it because not only is it unfair to others and i could be fined but i would NEVER forgive myself if just one time, they got a scare or behaved unexpectedly and ran on the road etc. I relax with them on lead, walk to an off lead area and then they can be off and run and play. My dogs do need off lead exercise and its my job to provide it for them in a lawful, safe and considerate way.

    And by the way, you would change your mind if you met my JRT. Well bred, well trained and well socialised they are SUPER dogs. :winner:

  6. At home, all of mine are in a stay on their bed or the couch depending on where we are and i call them one at a time. The 2 boys who both have lower threshold to drive find it more difficult to wait but are pretty good and i find that they are all very motivated if they are second (or third or fourth..) dog in to train. This is typically when using food rewards- things get a bit louder if i am using a tug or fetch reward or they have to wait their turn at agility!!

  7. Jackie, if you read through a previous thread (maybe someone else can help me find it) about i think it was 2 Malamutes that attacked and killed a dog- many posters were calling for the same type of assessment etc to be done on them- the point of assessment is not always to save, to rehome, to rehabilitate- it is to determine "WHY" so that we can then start to prevent- how can we prevent attacks when we have no clue what we are trying to prevent?

    There is always a reason why a dog attacks a person- doesn't make it acceptable or okay but there is reason.

  8. I would not recommend putting yourself in a position to poke a strange dog in the neck- particularly when you don't know what intensity would be required- you may agitate the situation further or be bitten.

    Agree with Greytmate. Good for you for reporting it as well d22.

  9. In addition to what the others have said- stop any humping/ mounting between the dogs.

    Spend time conditioning both dogs names at other times- pair their name with an immediate food reward many, many times. The more repetitions you do of this very simple exercise, the more likely you will be able to reliably interupt play sessions etc. Get to training as soon as you can as well!

  10. Why do you need to know about different tools? Because one day you might just come across a dog that required a technique different to your preferences.

    It is worth careful consideration with regards to the job opportunities though- its not an industry where you're likely to walk into a job immediately afterwards AND the first few jobs you have in the industry are not likely to be extremely profitable. If its your passion that you absolutely 100% want as a career though, or if you just want to improve your skills to train part time or as a hobby- its worth it.

  11. Okay- i have 3 different dogs i shape with so this is a combined list of what i have done with all of them without any other object being involved- its not that much really, i do do a fair bit of object stuff.. :o


    Look over shoulder




    walk backwards

    The first one i started with was looking over their shoulder and then progressed to spin or other object stuff. I think its great to use shaping to improve handling skills- it has definitely helped mine and i just LOVE watching the dog think and working out ways to shape different behaviours that the dog does not naturally offer.

    Megan, i shaped Gilbert's heel as a puppy even though he never offered it, i can show you how next time i see you if you wanted to.

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