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Posts posted by Cosmolo

  1. Has it been happening to dogs sitting in their backyard though? I know of situations in VIC with impounded dogs or dogs who have been reported. Does anyone know if it is already the case in VIC that a dog can be seen, reported, seized and destroyed without any containment violation or report of attack?

  2. In addition to those who are concerned about the pure pit bulls getting a bad rap- i am concerned about my cross bred mongrels attracting the pit bull label.. Surely we can't get into a situation where any dog that some random person deems to be a pit bull can be seized and destroyed. I sure hope not.


  3. Agree with the others but just wanted to add- some puppies have no idea about warning signals and for these puppies, even an alpha dog will often have to follow through- once. After that, it is generally a look or movement thats enough but some pups don't read this initially.

    As for the situation- it would depend. I probably wouldn't feel comfortable with it- but thats because i have a perfectly good alpha dog here at home who helps instill manners!

  4. is a huge assumption to suggest that a dog with bite inhibition won't ever get into a fight with another dog and do damage. Bite inhibition means the ability to control the strength of bite- the dog can still choose to bite hard in a given situation.

    I understand what you mean Fuzzy but i also find the vast majority of people cannot do this effectively AND that the definition of gentle being so varied from person to person (or within the person depending on clothing etc) is very confusing for many puppies. I think we over estimate how much of an effect we have on bite inhibition too- genetics, socialisation and interaction with Mum, littermates and other dogs will contribute far more than we ever could.

    I agree that bite inhibition is extremely important- i just disagree that humans are equipped to teach it.

  5. A correction of some kind will work- but its impossible to advise one specific thing without seeing the dog, they are all difference. The only thing i'd happily recommend online is that a helpful 'side dish' to teaching no mouthing is to teach the dog to target your hand with their nose- closed mouth of course. This generally helps to teach them what to do instead in a way that still allows them to make contact with you.

  6. No puppy teeth on human skin- ever. Most bite inhibition is learned with Mum and littermates IMO.You can assist the pups further development of bite inhibition through stimulating chewable toys and objects, appropriate interaction with other dogs/puppies etc. It is very difficult (especially with retrieving breeds) to teach them first that teeth on skin is okay and then change the rules. Also remember what hurts one person will be completely different to what another person can tolerate AND where on the person a puppy mouths (bare skin, through a jumper or shoe) will vary the tolerance level as well- very confusing for the puppy IMO. I have spoken to a number of people who have gone through Dunbar's method and most of them have still not successfully phased out the mouthing- dogs are now adults.

  7. What should we do instead? I don't think we should do nothing. I guess i just feel that the focus on the prong collar ignores some of the more broad issues- education and training for all dog owners regardless of tool. Because i think we can all agree that its handlers that cause the problems, not tools.

  8. I wouldn't have an issue with restricted use. But to be honest i am a bit sick of hearing the same tired arguments on both sides (and yes i know i don't have to read them). There is hysteria and ridiculous arguments on both sides of the equasion and it annoys me that so many (not referring to anyone specifically here) don't have an understanding of the other side.

    To be honest i can't imagine that the VIC law will EVER be repealed. And not all trainers who use physical aversives use or like prong collars so i don't think it should be about positive training vs training with aversives.

  9. Thats a good idea- though i would rather them be able to make contact with a breeder beforehand and see if thats convenient. I really don't want them to go along and be put off by the breeders being busy/ flustered, especially as the Royal would be a pretty important show.

  10. I have some wonderful clients who are considering adding a boxer to their family. They have large dog experience and have proven to be capable and committed with regard to training but they haven't met alot of boxers. They would love to speak to a breeder who would be expecting a litter within the next 12 months who might be willing to let them meet their adult dogs, discuss the breed etc.

    Would love some recommendations please.

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