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Posts posted by Cosmolo

  1. No the off lead starts from past the yacht club- there is a path that cuts in half the 2 beaches (on lead- restricted times/ off lead)and the nicest bit is to the left of the yacht club- definitely a nice swimming spot. :)

  2. I would say that on average, you're looking at 10% of dogs that are pure and of those, maybe 1/4 of those are from registered breeders. There are other factors that influence how many pure dogs are seen though- socio economic areas, breed involved and whether shelter/ rescue/ pound is country or city.

    Lots of staffy x's and undetermined bull breed crosses would be the # 1 in my experience. Not far behind though are herding breed mixes AND small, fluffy mixes.

  3. Their is a risk that pedigree dogs can develop behavioural problems too- no puppy has a fully formed temperament, all they have are tendencies. Assessing these tendencies in a puppy from any source is very important. Good rescue and good breeders do this and help you in a puppy choice- average or bad rescues and breeders do not.

    I have 2 shelter dogs, 2 farm bred dogs and 1 pedigree dog. While one of the shelter dogs has fear based issues, we knew and took her for that reason. The others all have wonderful temperaments. I would absolutely get another rescue, another pedigree dog and the only thing that stops me from getting another farm bred dog is ethical considerations- not issues with the dogs at all.

    I HATE the guilt trips used by some rescues or rescue advocates- it makes me hide their facebook updates and switch off.

  4. Provide plenty of interactive toys (kongs, treat balls etc) and feed his meals out there- then leave him out there for the periods of time you would like to. On beautiful sunny days like today i completely agree that it would be much better for him to be outside instead of in his crate too.

  5. I wonder whether a campaign to check fencing would have any impact- seems as though a number of incidents occur due to unsafe fencing.

    And i agree- you want to own large powerful dogs of any breed or cross breed - do what needs to be done to ensure their safety and that of the public.

  6. That is a great poster. Despite being friendly- my dogs do not appreciate rude dogs making a beeline for them, and neither do i!

    I also think that once you own a small dog- you gain an appreciation for why owners of small dogs are cautious, if you did not have one before. There is no margin of error with a small dog. My 22kg ACD was nearly killed by 2 dogs- if that had been my 6kg JRT he would have been dead in a few seconds.

  7. My 5 are varying degrees of playful, boisterous and rough with each other as well as very tolerant. They understand each other very well which i think dramatically increases their tolerance threshold and reduces the risk of misunderstandings and conflict.

    While they are 'good' with other dogs- the level of tolerance is MUCH lower and so i take care when they mix with others. Once they get to know particular dogs, provided they are compatible in temperament they get more tolerant, more playful and boisterous but i don't allow rough behaviour with non pack members.

  8. Absolutely it works- and the more conditioning that is done in other situations where there are no dogs, the more value is built for the game and the more likely that you will be able to reduce the distance between her and the other dogs over time.

    I would also consider how much free food she is getting- if you want to increase value for food, restrict and reduce at non training times.

    You don't have to do it with a clicker either- personal preference either way.

  9. I think the K9 Company do tracking workshops? They are in Eltham though. If you want things to do around the house, substance detection with a particular hidden scent would probably be easier to do more regularly than actual tracking. Stu can teach you that if you like, he used to work with explosives detection dogs.

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