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  1. All we feed our pup is food from the K9 freeze dried range, with occasional fresh bones, some natural yoghurt, krill oil (for omega 3), occasionally tiny bit of apple/nashi and blended steamed veg. It's not cheap, but a maltese doesn't exactly eat much, so we are okay with the cost of it. Much better than commercial kibble, without endless hours preparing raw food. I wouldn't keep the reconstituted wet product for more than a day - it is still raw after all.
  2. I think we will drive down to visit Rowan for our next visit, including possibly desexing as well. If we were in Melbourne we'd be visiting this guy for sure! - Dr Bruce . It's hard to find vets who look out for their well being for pets. For example he doesn't recommend vaccinating annually, nor kibble food (even though he is now selling his own pet food), we have been feeding our puppy a raw diet and want a vet who is willing to work with us and advise/monitor our dog's health... I will jump in to say that Rowan is the fantastic one that you hear about. I saw someone else there and really was not impressed at all, when i spoke to the people who recommended me said "yes, you have to specify Rowan." Thats not good at all.. I am also in the market for a new vet. I have two near me, one that i used to love, but previously she has gotten more sales oriented and was also unnecessarily rough with my cat So she's out. So i use the other if needed. I am just hanging in there until i get out of vet school myself and no longer need anyone else
  3. Thanks for those recommendations - I've heard good things of Animal Options might take the pup down there next time, and for desexing. This may come across as a bit of a left field rant, however the vets we've come across so far near us have either been overly expensive and not very thorough in their work, or thorough, but very pushy on sales and procedures. For example, with our second vet, we were still deciding whether to go for an injection or topical treatment for heartworm and get had already prepared a syringe with the pup's 3'rd vac and heartworm ready. He said if we didn't want the heartworm injection he'd have to dispose of the needle and waste the product which he wasn't impressed with. We hadn't even given him a response yet.
  4. We took our maltese pup to nose2tail for the free puppy groom 2 weeks ago. Fantastic place. All seems to have gone well. He came back clean, super fluffy and had the fur around his eyes trimmed and all. No looking for a place to give him a cut as we'd like to keep his coat short, maintaining that puppy coat - will give Underwood petbarn a call to see if that lady is still there.
  5. We've just switched from Black Hawk puppy food to K9 Natural trip and now onto their Lamb feast. We fed our pup on green tripe (9%-10% of body weight) for a week and now on the lamb feast. Noticed he poops a lot less, don't smell as bad, but best of all his tear stains are almost completely gone! He's just hit 12 weeks now and is a Maltese, so red tear stains show up really easily. Just brought 1.5kg? of this stuff. Good times ahead. The trip smells a lot worse than the lamb feast though. No ill side effects from what we can see so far...
  6. Hello, sorry for the slight hijack, but we're in a similar position with looking for a vet. Did the OP end up trying any one of those suggestions? We're up for our pup's third needle and the vet we saw who gave him his second needle didn't seem to pay particular attention to our pup when we asked him about our pup's (maltese) tearing problem. Is it normal to charge for a consult + needle fee normally? Thought the needle fee usually includes the 'consult'? Anyways, we are south side Brisbane also. May give a few vets a call later...
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