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  1. That is true, as to dog breed groups. But they reported 'three fighting dogs'...not...' three fighting breed dogs '...or...'three fighting dog breeds' Police dogs, sniffer dogs and guard dogs are named as such- to actively engage in activities those roles would necessitate. Trained for the role with reinforced expectation of results and specific outcomes, as would be by that definition a 'fighting dog'. Omission in language, like poor punctuation of an absent comma, can change the whole meaning of the information given. Semantics, too literal? People do subconsciously hook onto the bandwagon, without any in depth investigation in conclusion of an informed opinion. It's human nature to reinforce the biases we may have, right or wrong. This was only an opinion, on what that description evoked on my behalf. As are the rebuttals others have expressed.
  2. Opening Headline. "A tradie who survived an attack by 'three fighting dogs' says it was thoughts of his baby daughter that made him fight back" 'Fighting Dogs' is a name given to dogs that have been trained specifically to fight other dogs in dog fighting. It's a descriptive name, not a breed. So- They weren't fighting the tradie. They were attacking the poor guy. We're the dogs fighting amongst themselves ? Have they been involved in fighting dogs in their local area or elsewhere? If so, was it of their own accord or were they facilitated? In my opinion which is not fact, this inference was sensationalised reporting. sen·sa·tion·al·ize tr.v. sen·sa·tion·al·ized, sen·sa·tion·al·iz·ing, sen·sa·tion·al·iz·es. To present in a manner intended to arouse curiosity or broad interest, especially through the inclusion of exaggerated or lurid details ... So for clarification. Terrible sensationalised REPORTING - is the news outlet and the way they reported to the general public, The tradie, gave them information of the incident, via the interview that they secured. So my comment was never in reference to him, or what he said in his interview. Should have been more specific on that small part. Some got it. No reasonable person would ever think that those dogs actions were acceptable.
  3. Update, terrible sensationalised reporting http://tenplay.com.au/news/sydney/2016/9/13/attack-victim-speaks-out
  4. Moreland city council is a one off fee. When I applied for a third dog permit 7 years ago, it was $5
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