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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. royal canin giant is massive
  2. considering the amount of goats milk you will need for them I wouldnt see it working out any cheaper then Divetelact. It is available fresh or powdered, powdered is probably easier, sometimes supermarkets sell it fresh too
  3. depends on what kind of x-ray? Is it a quick job or will they have to do multiples? What level of anaesthetic and care does the dog need? My rottie as a pup got a quick one done to check for intersusseption ... $500 no anaesthetic. I had my GSD hip x-rayed (not properly but it was a prelim as a guide) $300 including IV anaesthetic and 2 weeks of NSAIDS. Pays to ring around sometimes depending on what exactly you need
  4. oh I'm waaaaaaaay past Mylanta mmmmm Nexium is my friend
  5. I dont think thats fair aussilover, they were told a different hip score by the breeder. I wouldnt desex a large breed anyway until its 12 months of age. I regret doing my HD/ED rottweiler he would have had some testosterone to help bulk him out a bit. I will never do it again no matter what the dog. Honestly ... I wouldnt panic and 'look' for problems where there probably are none. Puppies are wobbly. Let the pup be a pup, dont go cutting it up as a precautionary measure because it's a BIG operation. Let the pup mature, see how it walks and have it x-rayed at 12 months old unless you see serious faults. Keep it lean, feed it an appropriate diet, dont desex early, dont let it throw itself down flights of stairs, off furniture and out of cars and dont take it for 5km walks. Biggest thing is ... relax and enjoy your dog. You probably did more before this revised score so dont let it freak you out. I'm onto my second extreme HD/ED dog and honestly, his scores would make your head spin but he gets about reasonably well. Dont worry about 'what if's' you'll just end up with an ulcur
  6. http://leerburg.com/articles.htm#breed plenty of free information from a long term breeder here. You better save up those pups are going to be expensive to worm and vaccinate. If you're finding a pup or two are hard to feed then cull down the numbers now. Personally I would pull them off mum totally and let her dry up if she's that sick. It's too cold for pups to be out all the time at this time of the year. They dont do too well at staying warm even bunched up together especially at night. Let them out when its warm AND if you have no other dogs about (your male better be vaccinated) but at night time, no they were raised indoor and nowhere near used to it. Have you wormed them yet? ETA yup puppies are stinky, messy piglets. It's part of breeding to expect that big a mess. You still have another 5 weeks of this before you can let them go too ... they should not be sold off until at least 8 weeks of age
  7. I have a 7 year old that is still a gulper. I wouldnt worry too much about it if you want to really get her into chewing bones give them to her instead of a meal. A hungry puppy will start putting in the effort.
  8. I can tell you the foods that have caused the least problems and the best results between 5 different breed dogs plus visitors at my house are: Black Hawk Holistic Royal Canin Nutro Saying that I wouldnt touch anything with wheat with a 10 foot pole anymore. Tried the home made diet of meat and 4x2 biscuits I ended up with a half bald dog
  9. I dont like numbers. Look at the dog - are her ribs/hips/spine showing? Does she have decent muscle coverage? Does she have a fat layer on top? use your hands to feel the pup, if it feels reasonably well covered with muscle and some fat then it's the right condition. Considering the size variation that can happen within your breed I would say another reason not to stick to numbers. THat and many people seem to think RRs should be about 80kg and 6 feet tall as adults
  10. carers should be educated in quarantine and MADE to comply by the rescue group (not having a go at PoppyDog here at all) what a terrible thing for you. If Poppy is Vaccinated, wash everything, and I mean everything that dog has touched in bleach. Better yet if you can get Virkon powder make up a strong solution and start scrubbing. As for the yard, wherever the dog has pood I would be pouring strong bleach solution on it to soak into the soil ... ok so your grass will be dead for a while but it should kill whats in the soil for the most part. I had 4 dogs with me when my 5th got parvo. All were vaccinated and OK, they were playing with him the day before the symptoms showed. Dont worry too much to be honest but I would be throwing away all bedding/porous items that dog played with or slept on. easiest parvo test is with blood spot SNAP test (bit like a pregnancy test stick) but it's not really that reliable. If you want to do a full whiz bang blood test to say yes or no then that is about $200
  11. science diet is another high in grains. What breed is the dog? I would be aiming for something without wheat, even corn as well as any artificial colours, flavours or preservatives not all spot ons stop fleas biting hence why I recommend Frontline. Its the only one I bother with if I see a flea around here as my dog is really allergic.
  12. did you use a flea product like frontline or just use a flea rinse? If you didnt use a spot on then you still have fleas about, as would any cats you have hanging around use frontline for a couple of months straight, first doses can be 2 weeks apart. You can also give human antihistamines like Phenergen to settle the itch
  13. I wouldnt worry about having a tooth cleaner at her age all her teeth are going to start falling out soon. Nutrition is a bigger concern then puppy teeth. Are you sure she doesnt have loose teeth that are causing her pain?
  14. Nekhbet


    I was going to say just what Sandra did, have you ever seen the dogs in the boxes under the sides of trucks? Not even cages just metal boxes with holes cut in so the heads can poke out.
  15. can you borrow an electric fence kit from someone? Pity you're far I have a plug in power pack you can use. Apart from that you can at least get some bamboo canes and twine, make a temp fence at least a meter or more from the normal fence. If you see them going at it just walk out there and squirt them with the hose until they settle then call them back.
  16. Yes but does the dog have a choice? It's an animal - they have an instinct to get up and go which can override pain unless it's absolutely overbearing. That and chronic pain sufferers will still be mobile, doesnt mean life is comfortable at all. We tend to justify it to ourselves when we see animals like this 'oh but they're trying! Moving, eating, drinking etc' - doesnt mean it's right. I know of a woman who had a dogs bottom jaw totally removed due to cancer... it went about life having to be hand fed and watered with its tongue hanging out. What kind of a life is that ... I too have a dog with chronic problems. Everything is wrong with him, he cheated death twice but he can get around and still go for walks. The surgical option of repeairing 4 limbs on a big dog to me was unthinkable - imagine the pain and physio from multiple operations on a creature that has no say in the matter. The day basic comfort stops happening he takes a one way trip to the vet. The biggest thing that plays with a sick animal is - what happens if the inevitable pain really begins when one goes out (eg for a shift at work) and they have to lie there like that for hours.
  17. Faith actually had 3 legs, they removed the remaining deformed front one at about 7 months old because it was atrophying. Then they plastered her from here to Tumbuctu ... you dont think it set off a trend? Suddenly pups that would have never made it past the point of opening their eyes are all over the place. Dogs were never made to walk on 2 legs, you think Faith wont be causing herself injury doing that all the time? I can tell you most normal 4 legged dogs can have sore backs/necks etc from a problem that unevenly distributes the weight. You wait, someone will start purposely breeding them, just like the nuffy woman who breeds twisty cats and thinks they're perfectly OK. What is it with the human race, we have this tick that makes us pump so much effort into one way streets due to novelty or whatever ideal drives it. If there is a severe physical deformity that caused pups to not be able to drink or behave normally, yep I would have no hesitation. Nature's just raised a massive neon sign above pups like that. Some people just chose to ignore it.
  18. not every culture agrees with you there. Some will also dispatch of or abandon disabled children due to either traditional taboos, lack of resources or not being able to stand the suffering. EVen in our own people are left to die and medical help toned down or removed totally when nothing further can be done.
  19. did you contact the breeder at any time and explain the situation to them?
  20. if she's had a litter they've probably sucked her dry. Saying that you can just see my bordeaux's ribs, I dont like them pudgy.
  21. Gabba has a Dogue considering the number of truely terrible dogues being sold on main register, take your dog and show it, prove it has more to contribute to the breed then a pair of testicles. A lot of breeders are happy to hand out main reg papers to get high prices for them. Hop on the Dogue forum, have some of the breeders there take at least a preliminary look at your dogs photos, then get the relevent health tests done and ensure he is not passing down health problems - god know enough Dogues have them too these days due to profit based breeding. Remember half the responsibility of creating healthy puppies lies with you
  22. contact Tina Button at Monlaird Border Collies, she's trained a Pharoah in obedience and agility
  23. contact K9 Pro and see if either they are free or can recommend someone for you
  24. Yeah I rang 3 charities when a posh hotel was throwing away beds. Not very old, in extremely good condition and clean but it was just time for new ones. one didnt want them at all one said they had too many small pick ups to do the last one ummed and ahhhed, mm can you hold them for a week ... yes where are we going to store 20 beds. Oh can you drop them off for us? You would think that they would jump at the opportunity or suggest a hostel/emergency centre, ANYTHING that could take such expensive stuff. Nope. THey said oh well, chuck em out. Makes you wonder.
  25. spoke to the hills rep today, he says problems are fixed it should be a 1 - 1 1/2 weeks for dog and 2 weeks for cat food
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