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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. large and giant breed bitches can be done earlier then males - I suggest getting her done as soon as she's out of this season. Meanwhile the only way to deal with the male is to buy everyone ear plugs or send him away to a boarding kennel for at least a week or two. You feel sorry for him boarding but have no qualms giving your dog tranquilisers ... have a good think about that. Oh and dont go letting your bitch sleep everywhere or despite the fact she finished he will smell it. There is a spray for bitches in heat, it's pretty much only citronella spray which simply masks the scent of the bitch for a bit but you still dont let them in together. Bitch pants are only to prevent her dripping all over the place it wont prevent 1) accidental mating and 2) that lovely hormonal scent that drives your boy nuts. My older bitch came into head just a few weeks ago and I can tell you it's an absolute pain despite the fact I trained my boys to shut up honestly if you're not going to breed at least do the bitch, then do the male when he's mature enough. If you dont want to desex him there's always vasectomies or chemical castration, but remember any time there is a bitch in heat in your area he's proved he's going to be a pain, make sure he cannot rip the fence and escape (males can be VERY tenacious and palings have been known to be ripped away for dogs to escape) dont ACE the dog thats not fair and wont solve the problem.
  2. that video is really sad. Pers, Joey on that forum is right ... just wait until he's an adult. Really pathetic to watch her attach her own mental health onto the life of a creature. That's pure selfishness.
  3. I dont see why dogs can't be in crates on v/line trains. Yes I know they're not really set up for having animals on there and cleaning times are not provisioned for travelling with animals. But I dont see why introducing that all v/line pets go into a proper contained unit of some sort as long as you ring ahead and book would be an issue.
  4. Actually sounds like a typical male Dogue. He was put in an extremely stressful situation, reacted at a very high level and now being a mature male he's running the show. Which lines is he out of? By the way did maybe someone try and break in and you didnt realise it? Now he's reacting to everything? Let me guess - is he not desexed? Dogues dont do well as outside only - they want to constantly interact with the family and be near you. Now you say your son is not outside as much, well to the dog that can be shifting the pack dynamic totally as he's not interacting with him much. The dog is obviously stressed and is clinging to you as much as he can when you do go outside, maybe he's becoming more frightened of being alone as well?
  5. plenty of dogs like this already being bred in australia - pure and cross alike. I agree with Lilli people are just getting up in hysterics about nothing. I think we've forgotten that they're all DOGS with big sharp pointy teeth and you actually have to put in effort and skill to raise them to be good members of society no matter what the breed. We seem to live on this secluded little island and want wash-n-wear no effort temperament animals ... well not everyone wants that and those that do suffer for it. I would be more worried about breeders running the Thai Ridgebacks temperament into the ground in the long term turning them into ornaments then bogans getting a hold of them. Because that is their job over there. Friendlyness can mean the farmer/shepherd loses his flock, or his own life. Remember most other countries are nothing like Australia. Can't wait to meet a Thai Ridgeback one day
  6. As with most breeds here in Australia we need to start importing more genetics. We're too isolated here and many breeds are showing the effects of it. If not dogs then at least semen on a more regular basis.
  7. I still dont see where it says that the ones with tags are going to be returned to their owners ...
  8. If you notice the beagle was tethered to a stake in the yard - wouldn't have helped its behaviour at all. The dogs probably would not have bitten the officer, probably were just riled up by being harassed. But if there is now way of extracting the dogs and getting them out safely FROM SOMEONE ELSES PROPERTY it's the officers call. Do we like it? No. I didn't like it either. But remember in the USA aggressive and engaging dogs are a hell of a lot more common then they are here. What does it matter - sheep can frighten themselves and either injure each other or abandon lambs etc due to the presence of a dog in the paddock despite it's behaviour. Plus a dog suddenly confronted with terrorised sheep can become a totally different animal no matter how little prey drive the owners think it has. If you dont want your dog shot you keep it out of stock paddocks - considering for some people that stud male or breeding females could be worth a small fortune to them.
  9. Megan - http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/pastch...ns/shar-pei.asp I think the point should be the breed should not require surgical tacking in the first place. If your dogs need surgery simply to be able to see properly you should think, hmmm breeding's a bit wrong there.
  10. He went to some really 'backwater' parts of China visiting factories with his boss. He went to a couple of places where they had never seen western people in the flesh before and were just amazed at his looks and in particular the flesh tunnel in his ear and tongue peircing. He saw the market stalls with skinny dogs crammed in there tight ready for sale. It does happen, not mainstream but it does.
  11. yes the shar pei is not the only breed to suffer excessive wrinkling. Have you seen what some Neopolitan mastiffs look like these days?
  12. Nekhbet

    Recall Issues

    I find it dissapointing you're angry with a dog you've only had for a few weeks and have done no work with for ... acting like a dog. He has drive - tonnes of it. He doesnt know that he's meant to get the drive satisfaction from YOU and a TOY. He thinks bikes and other things are more awesome and hence he satisfies he prey drive by chasing them. Keep the dog on a leash. Start training him in recalls. Make a flirt pole and tie the dogs favourite toy on the end and teach him to play with toys - many dogs do not know how these days because their owners either dont do it or stop them hence behaviour like your dog is showing.
  13. yup grass outside your home, not your own backyard. As for 'nasties' that breed in grass thats just pure paranoia. Last lot of pups I babysat spent all day rummaging through my back yard and garden at 7 weeks of age, playing with my dogs, eating dirt, running around, falling over etc. Dogs can't be locked in a bubble to develop properly both physically and mentally. If your older dog is too rambunctious then put it in the puppy pen/crate with a bone to chew and let the puppy have some zoomy time around the yard. On lead play if the size difference is massive but they have to start getting used to each other.
  14. Nekhbet

    Puppy Food

    she's only 4 inches tall? she'll need to remain on 3 meals a day for at least a while longer she's miniscule Sorry chances your pup came from a pedigree reputable breeder are slim to none being from a pet store - let me guess, pets paradise? hang on if she's about 3 1/2 - 4 months old and you have had her for 10 weeks how old was she when you got her? That means you got her under 8 weeks if I can count?
  15. I think sadly I can say I have only ever met one pedigree Maltese. The rest of the 'purebreds' were BYB, and looked iffy on the heritage. But even byb purebreds are rare. I dont know why people keep crossing the little ones, from what I hear real maltese are lovely dogs. Met a few Shih Tzus and they too are fabulous. Cross them together and something occasionally seems to go a bit AWOL between the ears
  16. OH just came back from China and said it was common to see dogs crammed in cages ready to go for meat, just at market stalls out in the open. As for stolen - if they were stolen why did they pay for the dogs? Sounds like they just made a deal for them.
  17. Start with a psychologist and have him tested. Does he show any other traits towards people? Learning difficulties at school etc?
  18. Variety is not really that important - that is a human concept more then a canine one. My dogs get what is good for them and what their bodies need, not worrying that they're not having a varied enough diet. If the dog is at a steady weight and doest have health problems, awesome, chuck in a few things here and there, table scraps, wilted veges from the fridge etc. When you're aiming to gain muscle mass, or gain/lose weight you need to just worry about protein, fat and that the dog is getting the required vitamins/minerals and trace elements. In your dogs case either up the dry food to triple what he's eating, or get a good dry + meat if you want to do it that way. http://www.vetsallnatural.com.au/ this is the easy way to feed if you want to move away from dry food and do 'home made' diets. The guesswork is taken out of it and there are guidelines to help you know how much to feed and he has articles on there to understand some basics about canine nutrition. Your dog is not the first dog to look the way it does on supercoat. One of my clients dogs were just bone because the vet said they were apparently a good weight when in fact they had little muscle at all and little energy. Grains and fillers in dog food make dogs wobbly and fat, cheap protein sources and meat byproducts will not build quality muscle. If you want to change your dogs diet let your hands guide you, feel the dog - if it's fat and flabby, OK cut down the porky calories like fat, starchy carbs, oats, wheat etc. If the dog is too thin, up the calorie laden foods like fatty meat and add in things like oats etc. Too little muscle, add in some quality raw protein and slowly increasing regular exercise. I'm sure you're learning feeding dogs isnt as easy as opening a bag of dry food anymore it can be a bit confusing but if you break it down logically like I said above you can't go too wrong.
  19. will she eat nutrigel? How about adding B vitamins into her food - brewers yeast or some vegemite. They're meant to stimulate appetite as well. Conversely you can try the horse calming pastes as they contain B vitamins, tryptophan, magnesium, chamomile etc it may settle her enough to get the appetite going.
  20. your dog doesnt need fruit and vegetables it needs meat added to its diet. Dogs are not goats, they need protein over carb/fibre sources. The fact I can clearly see your dogs entire shoulder blades through that thick lab coat means he's lacking in protein and just calories in general.
  21. Australia has never had any native pigs. We introduced them all and they tear up the environment, literally, like bulldozers and dynamite. They're also incredibly hard to catch and dispatch of without dogs.
  22. He's too undermuscled - I can see the bones in his upper limbs. One cup of supercoat couldnt keep a rabbit looking good let alone a labrador. He doesn't need 'weight' as in a fat layer, he needs to gain lean muscle bulk which comes from protein. CHange him either to Royal Canin or start giving him mince with his supercoat. If you're using metric cups I would at least double to triple the amount of food he's eating now. Royal Canin try 2 cups a day, if he doesnt gain any weight after a couple of weeks add another cup a day.
  23. Where did I mention it was done responsibly or properly? Plus I've seen many dogs give a nice deep groin bite because it was within reach at that moment (that sounded kind of wrong really ... but you get the idea) For a dog to be 'set' on someone there has to have been some encouragement on behalf of the owner for that type of behaviour. The average moron who thinks it funny to go 'ssssssss get it, get it! GO get it!' while the dog is straining at the collar, encouraging the dog into that action has to be at least partially responsible for the dogs behaviour, no?
  24. I'd pay for that. Send in the PETA people and the Babe lovers too ... go give the nice wild sow with a litter a cuddle then ... oh look there's her boyfriend! Go give him a cuddle too! *sit back and watch the show*
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