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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. are you already using a spot on produt like revolution or advocate? It can mask the mite numbers in cases of Demodex etc. put a cone on her head and see if it grows back. Sometimes dogs can habitually rub hair away. Just watch with BC's the vet doesnt use Ivermectin or other mectins on her if she has never had them before.
  2. must of improved since I was last there. I would not have left a dog there to be groomed despite how they look coming out.
  3. my bitch went through the same thing ... even after 3 Tramadol and a Norocarp she was pacing, shaking, panting and walking in circles all night. Canine chiro fixed it in one swift hand movement. If you can find a chiro I would take the dog ASAP
  4. sounds like a typical male dashchund actually. He needs his behaviour corrected, I've dealt with Daccies that do the same thing. I find correction, then redirect the dog to look at you instead. What do your obedience instructors say about it?
  5. why dont you purchase a crate and let the dog sleep inside as well at night. You will probably find the dog is quieter in general if it can at least be inside with you watching and just being in with its pack then outside all the time. If you want, contact Mark Singer out there in SA to come and give you some pointers in general especially with the jumping, the dog should well and truely be out of that stage at that age.
  6. what was the original condition of sale and did the pup not see any veterinarians at all between purchase and 9 months of age? Severe heart murmurs are quite easily picked up if they were always there.
  7. there's a disaster mix ... who the hell was that stupid found the advert ... that is not a jack russell and the dad is not a good looker, dont worry the size difference between the two is actually not that massive. I just can't stomach the price tag ... saying that they're actually a 'designer breed' that people do on purpose O_o
  8. email me about it, contact is in my sig
  9. iphones pffft now you see why I dont own one LOL if you can loop a leash around the dogs neck you have to put it high, just under the chin, and you have to pull hard. Having a leash is easier as when the dog lets go you can then keep it at arms length. If you have to take the leash off your own and onto the attacker then do it. Putting your hands on a strange dogs collar and doing it manually is not something you want to risk. Had to do it once but I knew the dog was not HA. Like I said not something for novices at all, but if you're desperate cutting off a dogs air can work. If in doubt always carry a big can of womens spray deoderant with you - into the mouth, nose and eyes, mouth first.
  10. dont forget too products like Pindone are also flying off the shelves. We've sold a rediculous amount in the past couple of weeks. Non selective, will kill anything that eats it so dont let your dogs pick up dead birds, rabbits or rodents in rural areas. If you cannot control your dogs reflexes put a plastic muzzle on it.
  11. Most poisons available now are one feed one kill or double dose. They will cause secondary poisoning especially in medium/small dogs. Boss just lost a cat to Tomcat II blocks, only took one mouse.
  12. the trick is to grab the hind legs, lift the dog and apply gentle pressure. If you just pull the dogs will rip chunks out of each other. Once they let go you wheelbarrow them around. Problem with some breeds is the thrashing action that can do more damage especially in big vs small. Evenly matched sizes you wheelbarrow at least the offender and hold the other down to prevent movement. If it's big vs small you choke the life out of the big one with whatever you have at hand to prevent further biting or damage. Any panicking dog on lead if you hang it by its collar so the front paws are just off the ground at arms length you severely minimise your chance to be injured by the dog. Break sticks are all well and good if you know what you're doing and you have one with you. Saying that, NEVER put your hands near dogs faces or where they can reach your body parts. Fighting dogs dont know what theyre doing and will grab whatever touches their jaws so most of the time a bite on you will be unintentional. As for the taste of blood - wives tale. Turn on you - mmm extremely unlikely unless you keep provoking it or it's totally nuts but that's rare. Dog fights are horrific but the worst thing you can do is panic. If you got the license plate of the owner or at least some details, report to the council with photos. Patrolling rangers ill keep an eye out for him.
  13. why dont you try frontline? Stops them biting and knocks out the whole flea life cycle
  14. We can practice any time you like RubyBlue
  15. there is a horse poultice you can use, horseland sell it, it contains Comfrey already. Alternatively you can purchase dry comfrey and put a basic poultice on top of the dry leaves.
  16. If he's going to Dural ask Glenn Cooke to take a look at him for you sooner rather then later.
  17. not until at least 12 months of age, way too much impact on growing joints. I wouldn't even do it with my working Mal.
  18. yep looking strong enough nice and safe too wonder what the weight capacity on top is
  19. looks like a little crossbreed more then a puppy
  20. really easy pattern is by Kwik Sew pattern 3076 http://images.patternreview.com/sewing/pat...w/3076/3076.pdf mum bought it for me, I think from Spotlight
  21. The smell of the dogpro actually makes me ill when I stack it at work. Think of it this way ... it's the only dog food we stock that the ants, rats and mice wont touch even if a bag breaks open.
  22. I saw those ... not big or strong enough lol if one of my girls went bananas I reckon they would smash that lock open or damage the bars
  23. has anyone ever seen or knows of someone who has pictures of heavy duty double decker dog crates? Top berths need to hold dogs up to about 30-35kg. We just got a van and OH needs some ideas to make them from :D
  24. puppy power ebay store, you can collect too
  25. Nekhbet


    yup find a new veterinarian. Doubling after 5 months is a con and it's not the law at all. My boss used to be like that about dogs over a certain age, I asked what about people who purchase older dogs and be responsible? Not their fault it's not done earlier. Vets seem to be getting really bad on both education and customer service.
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