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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. good luck with that ... last lot of specialist pups that was in a pet shop ended up sold anyway.
  2. my ears are burning .... if you need to email me go for it [email protected], we can see what we can work out. She may need putting in place or she may just be set in her ways, either way its not something someone can see over the internet. Saying that I will not advocate rehoming a dog that fights others and has killed another creature.
  3. she doesnt look as lanky in those photos did you get her from a registered breeder?
  4. i regret desexing my rottweiler every single day. He would have done very well with the testosterone to help him during growth phases. I agree one dog does not make it a valid argument.
  5. we got a diesel Mercedes Vito van ... most awesome dog car ever
  6. pretty long and lean legged for a typical golden. How old is she, she doesnt seem to have a lot of feathering either This is the extended breed standard for the golden http://www.grcv.org.au/images/Breed%20Standard%20of%20the%20Golden%20Retriever/Extended%20Breed%20Standard%20of%20the%20GoldenRetriever.pdf
  7. Advance is Australian made but it owned by Mars Incorporated which is an overseas company. Nutro is also owned by Mars. Pro Plan is also an American company but are starting to make it here. Australian made does not mean 100% Australian ingredients either. Unless written you can safely assume some cheaper imported products have bulked out the food.
  8. If you dont mind travelling Tina Button does boarding and training www.tinasdogtraining.com
  9. I agree a real crock. I dont see how they can legally enforce this either as a dog is considered chattle anyway. You can't make Harvey Norman take back your fridge 5 years later, I don't see places like PP doing it either. It's still treating the animal as a product NOT actually considering it's wellfare long term. Why dont they start making all the bogan backyarders follow the same law?
  10. are you inadvertantly reinforcing the dog to keep hyping up? When you want a sit or a drop etc you want the dog to be in a calm state. Put new parameters on her, no reward until she stops fidgeting and relaxes. Uf you ae using a reward that makes the dog overexcited swap to something different for a while.
  11. you do realise that some dogs may have that 'straight back' but if you stack them into a 'show' position you can make the topline slope downwards? I only bother with shepherd photos that show the dog in a natural pose or free photos, you will see the true conformation of the animal. Speak to the sportdog club down there you may be able to get recommendations. Personally, I went to Malinois for a reason.
  12. We use dead whole rabbits to incite dogs that have their prey drive incredibly suppressed either from their owners or another dog. Gets then going every time ;)
  13. preventative surgeries seem to be a fashion now ... and yet they still wont guarentee them :rolleyes: I agree with everyone else, if the dog has no lameness why was it even x-rayed?
  14. If your clients go to Berwick vet hosspital tell them to find a new vet. Pup doesnt need surgery.
  15. better debarked then dead in some instances
  16. yes but the point will always be that you use the method that best suits the dog, and your ultimate goals. We cannot say that one method is best for everyone. It will never be. If it works and does not create long term negative side affects and helps the dog learn then that is what you use.
  17. it's not always dangerous depending how you're dosing. some minerals etc are excreted if going over usable levels. Others you would have to be feeding literally kilograms a day of the natural containing product to cause problems. Otherwise when you purchase a product, be it artificial or naturally containing, there will be a recommended feeding guide. If you stick to that you wont be causing problems Of course you always introduce a new supplement slowly
  18. I am not surprised at all heard a lot worst then that trust me
  19. and just for the record too many people assume an e-collar and an electric fence feel the same. They don't, they never will and actually work on a different level. And yes I have tried both. The electric fence left me with the chest pains not the high level e-collar. It's actually VERY hard to have harmfull fallout from punishers. We seem to equate the with how the user thinks and hence we blow them out of propertions. If someone tells you off a few times do you fall apart, never leave your room and cry for days on end? It is incredibly difficult to permanently ruin a dog. You have either totally stuff up critical period or treat it so cruely it's beyond normal comprehension with really really bad genetics to have the 'ruined' dog so many people talk about. Remove the fear and doubt from dog training and you will get further then you imagine.
  20. considering you're in WA would the Maremmas coat, which is made for an Italian climate, deal with the weather? would a middle eastern breed like an Anatolian or CAO be a better choice?
  21. yes iodine is a trace element and yes people have been considered iodine allergic when in fact they were allergic to other components withing the product. This was especially prevelent in people who had contrast dyes injected or had the 'shellfish' argument pulled when in fact it was a protein found in the shellfish that was the problem not the iodine. The body requires iodine for the thyroid to function properly. If you never got any iodine EVER you would suffer immensely. I think the problem is more some people developed a hypersensitivity to iodine overdose, but the medical community took a while to catch up.
  22. actually a beagle is a breed that is already extremely driven. Most people don't know how to train in drive hence the dog is 'difficult' and 'stubborn'. Just like the whole idea of this thread :D a breed made to track prey animals all day over miles has to have a lot of drive. It's easy for humans to blame the dog when they don't fully know what they're doing. We're behind in this country when it comes to training dogs especially in drive. The worst thing is we tend to either make rediculous excuses or blame the dog. Either way we're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off ...
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